Day 2: Blindfolds

Day 2: Blindfolds

In the candlelit warmth of the Bridgerton residence, the heavy scent of gardenias filled the air, mingling with the faint aroma of freshly polished wood. Colin sat at the edge of the bed, his usual playful demeanor transformed into something much more intense as he watched Penelope, her heart thudding in her chest. They had been together for some time now, a fact that still sent a wave of heat through Penelope's entire being. It was one thing to have loved him from afar for so long, and another entirely to be here, in his arms, and yet still so entirely at his mercy.

Penelope stood before him, her hands clasped together, her nerves fluttering like the wings of a bird inside her. Colin's eyes roamed over her as though he were committing every detail to memory, the intensity of his gaze making her feel both exposed and cherished at once. Her breath hitched slightly as he stood, moving towards her with that easy grace he possessed, as though nothing in the world could unsettle him. And yet, she knew. She knew that tonight, this would be different. Tonight, there was something about him—something more intent, something more… primal.

"Penelope," he murmured, his voice deep and rich like honey, sending a shiver down her spine. "There's something I wish to try."

Her gaze flicked up to his, heart pounding in her chest as she nodded, her words barely finding their way past her lips. "Of course, Colin."

"Trust me?" he asked, his hand reaching out to gently take hers. There was an almost teasing lightness in his tone, but underneath it, a depth that made her realize he wasn't asking casually. He was asking something else, something more than what had been shared between them before.

Her lips quirked into a soft smile, the kind reserved only for him. "Always."

Colin's smile matched hers, though his was laced with a delicious edge of mischief, the kind that always preceded some grand adventure or scheme. He leaned forward and kissed her gently, his lips brushing against hers with a softness that made her melt into him. It was the sort of kiss that could have led to a thousand places—comfort, passion, or even just tender companionship—but tonight, it led elsewhere.

Slowly, Colin pulled back, his hand leaving hers only to reach into the pocket of his waistcoat. Her breath caught as he revealed a small piece of black silk, its sleek material shimmering slightly in the candlelight.

"A blindfold?" Penelope asked, her voice coming out in a soft whisper, as though speaking louder might ruin the enchantment of the moment.

"Yes," he said simply, watching her reaction carefully, his voice a deep hum in the air between them. "I want to heighten your senses, to let you feel every touch more acutely."

Penelope's pulse quickened at his words. The thought of relinquishing her sight, of allowing herself to be guided entirely by his hand, filled her with an exhilarating mixture of nerves and desire. She had never been more vulnerable than when she was with Colin, but that vulnerability was met with tenderness, with a trust that only deepened with time.

With a nod, she lifted her chin ever so slightly, a signal of her consent.

Colin's smile softened as he moved behind her, his hands skimming the sides of her body as he tied the silk gently over her eyes. The world went dark, the comforting glow of the candles disappearing as her vision was obscured. All that remained now was the feeling of Colin's presence, the soft sound of his breath, the faint brush of his clothing against her own.

"Can you see?" he asked, his voice near her ear now, low and intimate.

"No," she replied softly, her voice trembling slightly as she reached out instinctively, feeling for him.

"Good." His voice was a warm whisper against the shell of her ear. "Now, just feel."

And feel she did. The loss of her sight heightened everything else—the way the fabric of her dress seemed to brush against her skin, the soft rustle of Colin's movements as he stepped closer to her, the warmth of his breath against her cheek. She couldn't see him, but she knew he was watching her closely, gauging her every reaction.

His fingers brushed her bare collarbone lightly, barely a touch, yet it sent a jolt of sensation through her. Every fiber of her being seemed attuned to his slightest movement. The silk of her dress rustled as his hand glided over her shoulder, tracing a slow, deliberate line down her arm, his fingers pausing at the crook of her elbow before moving lower. She shivered, though the room was not cold, not with Colin so near, not with the anticipation curling deep inside her.

Penelope swallowed, her lips parting slightly as Colin's hand slipped to her back, where he began to unfasten the buttons of her dress with painstaking care. Each button undone was another moment of exquisite tension. The air felt heavier now, the anticipation building with each soft sound, each brush of his knuckles against her skin.

When the dress finally fell away, pooling at her feet, Penelope could feel the heat of Colin's gaze as he stood behind her. She could almost imagine the way he was looking at her now—admiring, hungry, and yet tender in the way only he could be. His fingertips grazed the bare skin of her back, tracing lazy circles that left her breathless.

"You're beautiful," he murmured, his voice low and reverent, though there was a certain roughness to it now, an edge of need. Penelope's breath caught in her throat as his words sank in, filling her with warmth.

She reached out blindly, her hand finding his waist, pulling him closer, craving the touch of his lips, his hands—anything to quell the storm of sensation he was stirring within her.

"Colin," she whispered, her voice shaky but filled with need.

"Yes, my love?" His hands were on her again, skimming over her hips, pulling her flush against him. The sensation of his body pressed to hers, even through the layers of fabric still separating them, sent a shudder through her.

"Please," she breathed, though she wasn't entirely sure what she was asking for. She only knew that she needed more—more of him, more of this closeness, more of the way he made her feel like she was the center of his universe.

Colin chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against her skin. "Patience, Penelope. We have all night."

His words were a soft promise, a reminder that he was in no rush, that this was about savoring every moment, every touch. He guided her back toward the bed, his hands gentle but firm as he laid her down. The mattress dipped slightly beneath her, and she instinctively reached out, her hand grasping for him. Colin caught it, his fingers entwining with hers as he pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist, a simple gesture that sent a wave of warmth through her.

Then, his lips were on her neck, soft and teasing, as he kissed his way down, tracing a path from her jawline to her collarbone, his breath hot against her skin. Every touch felt magnified in the darkness. Every sensation was sharper, more intense, as though her body was a finely tuned instrument, and Colin knew exactly how to play her.

His hand moved to her waist, slipping beneath the thin chemise that clung to her body. His fingers brushed against her bare skin, sending a shiver of anticipation through her. She gasped, her back arching slightly as his hand moved upward, grazing the curve of her breast. The sensation was overwhelming, a mixture of softness and fire, and she found herself gripping his arm tightly, needing something to hold onto, to ground herself in the storm of feelings he was conjuring within her.

"Colin," she breathed again, her voice trembling with desire.

He hummed in response, his lips finding her ear as he whispered, "I want you to feel everything, Penelope. I want you to remember this night for the rest of your life."

And she knew, in that moment, that she would. The way his hands moved over her body, the way his lips left a trail of fire in their wake, the way every touch, every kiss, felt like a promise of something more—all of it would be etched into her memory, a night that would belong to them alone.

With a soft, deliberate movement, Colin shifted, pulling her chemise over her head and leaving her completely exposed to him. Even without her sight, Penelope could feel the weight of his gaze as it roamed over her, taking in every curve, every inch of her bare skin. It made her feel vulnerable, yes, but also powerful in a way she had never known before.

"Tell me what you want," Colin murmured, his voice rough with desire as his hands moved to her thighs, slowly parting them.

Penelope's breath hitched, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to find the words, her body already trembling with anticipation.

"I want you," she whispered, her voice barely audible, but it was enough.

The words hung in the air like a spark waiting to ignite, and Colin's breath hitched at her confession. His grip on her tightened ever so slightly, and she could feel the shift in him—his need, his want, matching her own. The room felt smaller, the air heavier, as if the entire world had shrunk down to just the two of them and this moment.

Without a word, Colin kissed her deeply again, his lips crashing against hers with more urgency this time, more intensity. His hand trailed down her body, fingertips grazing her waist before continuing their path lower. The anticipation was almost unbearable as his fingers brushed over the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, teasing her with the lightest of touches, making her tremble beneath him.

Penelope gasped as Colin shifted, his lips leaving hers to press a line of kisses down her neck, along her collarbone, and lower still. She felt his breath ghosting over her breasts, a soft whimper escaping her as his lips closed over one nipple, his tongue flicking lightly over the sensitive bud. Her hands gripped the sheets beneath her, her entire body alive with sensation, her nerves buzzing under his attention.

He continued his journey downward, kissing his way across her stomach, his touch reverent and teasing all at once. When his lips reached the apex of her thighs, Penelope's breath caught in her throat. She could feel his warm breath against her most intimate place, and the anticipation of what was to come had her heart racing.

"Colin…" she breathed, her body trembling with need.

He didn't respond with words but with action. His hands parted her thighs, gently but firmly, and then his mouth was on her. The first touch of his tongue sent a shockwave through her, her hips arching off the bed as a soft moan escaped her lips. Every nerve in her body seemed to light up as he explored her with his mouth, his tongue moving slowly at first, then faster, finding just the right rhythm to drive her wild.

Penelope's hands flew to the back of his head, her fingers tangling in his hair as she held him to her. The sensations were overwhelming—the soft, wet heat of his tongue, the firm pressure of his hands on her hips holding her in place, the way he seemed to know exactly what she needed. Her body was alight with pleasure, the world beyond them fading into nothingness as her entire being focused on the exquisite feeling of Colin's mouth on her.

"Colin…" she gasped, her voice trembling with desperation as the tension inside her began to build. "I… I can't…"

But he didn't stop. If anything, his movements became more deliberate, his tongue circling and flicking in just the right way to push her closer and closer to the edge. He moved one hand from her hip to her breast, his fingers finding her nipple and tweaking it gently, sending another jolt of pleasure through her.

The combination was too much—his mouth between her thighs, his fingers on her breast, the weight of his body pressing her down into the bed. She was lost, her body arching beneath him as her climax crashed over her, a wave of intense pleasure that left her gasping for breath, her fingers clutching at the sheets as her body trembled with the force of it.

Colin didn't stop, didn't let up until she was shaking, her body spent and oversensitive. Only then did he pull away, his lips pressing one last kiss to the inside of her thigh before he crawled back up her body, his weight settling over her again. She could feel the hardness of him against her, the promise of what was to come, and despite her orgasm, her body ached for more.

He kissed her softly, gently, giving her a moment to catch her breath. But the hunger in his eyes told her that he wasn't finished. Not yet.

"Penelope," he murmured against her lips, his voice rough with desire. "I need you."

Her response was immediate, her body arching up against his, her legs parting to invite him in. "Then take me," she whispered, her voice still breathless but full of want. "Please, Colin. I need you too."

He positioned himself between her legs, his hands gripping her hips as he guided himself to her entrance. The first press of him inside her was slow, deliberate, and the feeling of him filling her was almost too much. Penelope gasped, her nails digging into his back as he slid deeper, the sensation of him stretching her, completing her, making her head spin.

Colin groaned, the sound low and guttural, as he buried himself inside her. He stilled for a moment, his forehead resting against hers as they both took a breath, both savoring the feeling of being joined like this. And then he began to move, slowly at first, his thrusts deep and deliberate, every inch of him filling her with an exquisite pleasure that made her toes curl.

Penelope's head fell back against the pillow, a soft moan escaping her as Colin's pace increased. His hands moved to her breasts, his fingers tweaking her nipples as he thrust into her, each movement sending a fresh wave of pleasure through her. The sensation of him inside her, of his hands on her body, was overwhelming, and it wasn't long before she was trembling again, her body on the edge of another release.

"Colin… oh God, Colin…" she gasped, her hands clutching at his shoulders as she rode the wave of pleasure building inside her.

He growled her name in response, his pace quickening, his thrusts becoming harder, more desperate. His hands tightened on her hips as he pulled her closer, his body moving with a kind of primal need that matched her own. The sounds of their bodies coming together, the soft gasps and moans filling the room, created a symphony of passion that seemed to echo in the stillness of the night.

Penelope's body began to tighten again, the pleasure coiling in her core as Colin drove her closer and closer to the edge. His thumb found her clit, circling it with just enough pressure to send her spiraling into another orgasm, this one even more intense than the first. She cried out his name, her body shuddering beneath him as the pleasure washed over her, leaving her breathless and trembling.

Colin followed her moments later, his own release crashing over him as he buried himself deep inside her, his hands gripping her tightly as he found his release. He groaned her name, his body tensing as the pleasure overwhelmed him, and then he collapsed against her, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder.

For a moment, neither of them moved, both of them catching their breath, their bodies still tangled together. The blindfold still covered Penelope's eyes, but it didn't matter. She didn't need to see to know that Colin was there, that he was hers, that this moment was theirs.

Finally, Colin pulled away, his fingers gently untying the silk from her eyes and tossing it aside. Penelope blinked as her vision returned, the dim light of the room casting soft shadows over Colin's face as he smiled down at her, his expression tender and full of love.

"You," he whispered, brushing a strand of hair from her face, "are everything I've ever wanted."

Penelope smiled, her heart swelling with love and contentment as she reached up to cup his cheek, her fingers tracing the line of his jaw. "And you, Colin Bridgerton, are everything I never knew I needed."

He kissed her then, a soft, lingering kiss that promised her a lifetime of moments like this—full of love, passion, and the kind of trust that only grew deeper with time.