Day 5: Oral Cockwarming/Under the Desk

Day 5: Oral Cockwarming/Under the Desk

Colin sat at his desk, his brow furrowed in concentration as he thumbed through his travel notes, his quill occasionally scratching against the paper as he made edits and annotations. The room was warm, the golden glow of the fire casting a soft light over the rich wood of the desk and the leather-bound books that lined the shelves.

Beneath the desk, hidden from view, Penelope knelt patiently, her eyes half-closed as she focused on the sensation of Colin's semi-hard cock resting against her tongue. Her hands rested lightly on his thighs, steadying herself as she kept him in her mouth, her lips wrapped softly around him. Every once in a while, she had to swallow, the saliva collecting in her mouth as she tried to remain still, her breath warm and shallow through her nose.

Colin's focus was split—part of him engrossed in the writings before him, the other very aware of the warmth and wetness of Penelope's mouth around him. He didn't say anything, but the tension in his body betrayed the calm exterior he projected as he continued to read. Every now and then, his hand would drift from the pages, his fingers brushing lightly against Penelope's hair, a silent acknowledgment of her presence beneath the desk.

Penelope's heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and contentment. There was something intimate, almost indulgent, about being here with him like this—offering him this quiet pleasure while he worked. She shifted slightly, adjusting her position as she swallowed again, the wetness collecting at the back of her throat reminding her just how long she had been kneeling there.

Colin's cock twitched slightly in her mouth, a small, involuntary movement that made Penelope's breath catch in her throat. Her tongue pressed gently against him, feeling the slight pulse of his arousal. She knew he was playing with her in his own subtle way, even while he pretended to be focused entirely on his notes. Her lips tightened slightly around him, a soft, quiet moan escaping her as she fought to remain still.

A small smile tugged at the corner of Colin's lips as he continued to read, his attention seemingly on the parchment before him, though he was fully aware of the effect he was having on Penelope. With a deliberate clench of his pelvic floor, his cock jumped slightly in her mouth, the sudden movement making her gasp softly, her eyes widening as the head of him brushed the back of her throat.

He didn't look down at her, but the subtle tension in his shoulders betrayed his amusement. "You're doing so well, my love," he murmured, his voice calm and even, as though he were discussing nothing more than the contents of his notes. "I'm nearly finished here."

Penelope's heart skipped a beat at his words, a flush of heat spreading through her at the quiet praise. Her hands tightened slightly on his thighs, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she fought to keep herself composed, even as his cock twitched again in her mouth. The warmth of him, the way he filled her so completely, made her feel connected to him in a way that went beyond words.

Another twitch, this time more pronounced, made her throat tighten as she tried to swallow, the spit pooling in her mouth collecting again as she fought to keep from losing control. Colin's cock sprung up slightly with the movement, the sudden pressure against her tongue making her moan softly around him.

Colin chuckled softly, the sound low and rich as he glanced briefly down at her, his fingers trailing through her hair in a light, teasing caress. "You're getting distracted," he said softly, his voice filled with a quiet amusement that made her cheeks flush even more.

Penelope's eyes fluttered closed as she tried to focus, her tongue pressing gently against the underside of him, feeling every small twitch, every slight movement as he continued to play with her in that quiet, deliberate way of his. Her mouth was warm and wet around him, the taste of him filling her senses as she swallowed again, her lips tightening around him in an effort to keep still.

But despite her best intentions, the natural urge to move her tongue, to respond to the gentle pulse of his arousal, was difficult to suppress. Her lips tightened, her tongue flicking instinctively against him, eliciting a soft, pleased hum from deep within her chest.

Colin's hand, which had been resting lightly on her hair, stilled for a moment. Then, with a quiet but firm tone, he spoke, his voice laced with a mixture of authority and amusement. "Penelope," he said softly, though his words were edged with a warning, "you are not to move. You are meant to keep me warm, nothing more."

Her heart skipped a beat at the reprimand, her cheeks flushing hot with embarrassment. She hadn't meant to disobey, hadn't intended to distract him from his important work, but the temptation had been too great. Her breath hitched slightly around him, and she quickly stilled her movements, her tongue flattening obediently against him as she returned to her task.

"Good girl," Colin murmured approvingly, his hand resuming its gentle stroking through her hair, his touch both comforting and commanding. "There's no need for all that... enthusiasm. Simply keep me warm and still until I am finished."

Penelope swallowed again, her mouth filling with saliva that she tried desperately not to let escape. She fought to remain perfectly still, as he had instructed, her lips parted just enough to hold him comfortably as he continued his work above her. The quiet rustle of papers resumed, the quill scratching lightly against the parchment, and she could sense that Colin's attention had returned to his writing.

But the stillness was difficult. The weight of him on her tongue, the warmth of his body, the slight tension in his muscles as he occasionally flexed and shifted—it was all so intimate, so overwhelming. Her body responded instinctively, her pulse quickening, her breath shallow as she knelt there beneath the desk, completely at his mercy.

Every now and then, Colin would test her resolve, clenching his muscles in that subtle way that caused his cock to spring up in her mouth, brushing teasingly against the back of her throat. Each time, Penelope had to fight to remain still, to suppress the urge to swallow or move her tongue in response. It was a game he was playing with her, and she knew it. A quiet test of her obedience and restraint.

"You're doing well," Colin murmured after a particularly strong twitch, his voice low and steady as he glanced briefly down at her, his hand resting reassuringly on her head. "But remember, you mustn't move. This is a matter of patience, my love."

Penelope's eyes fluttered open briefly, meeting his gaze for just a moment before she closed them again, focusing on keeping herself as still as possible. Her jaw ached slightly from the effort of holding him, but she found a strange sense of satisfaction in the task, in knowing that she was serving him in this quiet, intimate way. The heat between them was palpable, even in the silence, and though she could feel her own desire building, she knew her role was simply to provide him comfort—to warm him, as he had so sternly reminded her.

Occasionally, Colin would shift in his seat, his movements subtle but enough to remind her of his presence, of the fact that he was fully aware of her beneath the desk. The subtle clenching of his muscles sent tiny pulses through his length, causing the head of his cock to tap gently against her throat. Each time, Penelope had to fight the urge to to gag, to swallow or adjust her position. Her mind swirled with the tension of it all—the restraint he demanded, the quiet heat that simmered between them, just below the surface.

"You see," Colin continued, his tone conversational as though he were discussing his notes and not the fact that his wife was on her knees, holding him in her mouth, "this is a lesson in control. Yours, and mine."

His words sent a shiver down her spine, her body instinctively responding to the quiet authority in his voice. He was in control, guiding her, teaching her in his own deliberate, unhurried way. And though the task was difficult—though every instinct in her body told her to move, to respond, to please him—she obeyed, knowing that this was what he wanted from her.

"Steady now," Colin murmured, his voice soft but firm as he flexed again, his cock twitching just enough to brush against the back of her throat. "You've nearly mastered it."

Penelope's heart raced, her fingers tightening slightly against his thighs as she swallowed once more, the wetness in her mouth becoming harder to manage with each passing moment. She could feel her own pulse pounding in her ears, the heat between them building in a slow, steady crescendo that threatened to overwhelm her. But she remained still, as he had commanded, her lips soft and unmoving around him as she focused on the steady rise and fall of her breath.

After what felt like an eternity, Colin set down his quill, the soft sound of the ink drying on the parchment signaling the end of his task. His hand slid gently through her hair, his touch lingering for a moment before he spoke.

"Very good, my love," he murmured, his voice filled with quiet approval. "You've done exactly as I asked."

Penelope's heart swelled at the praise, her body trembling with a mixture of relief and satisfaction as she waited for his next command. She had served him well, had obeyed his every instruction, and now she awaited the reward she knew would follow.

Colin's hand slid down to cup her chin, gently lifting her head so that she could meet his gaze. His eyes were dark, filled with a mixture of love and desire as he looked down at her, his fingers brushing softly against her cheek.

"I think," he whispered, his voice low and intimate, "it's time for me to reward your patience."

Penelope's breath hitched at his words, her body already trembling with anticipation as he gently lifted her from her position beneath the desk. Her knees felt weak, the strain of holding still for so long forgotten as Colin's hands moved over her with purpose, guiding her to her feet. His touch was firm yet tender, his eyes dark with desire as he led her to the edge of the desk, the solid wood cool against her flushed skin.

Colin's hand slid up her back, the warmth of his palm a stark contrast to the cool air of the room as he leaned down, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of her neck. "You've been so good for me," he murmured, his voice low and filled with a quiet reverence that made her heart race. "So patient, so obedient."

Penelope moaned softly, her hands gripping the edge of the desk as she felt the heat of his body pressing against her back. The ache between her legs had grown unbearable, her wetness pooling there, ready for him. She had been holding herself in check for so long, her body humming with the tension of restraint, and now, finally, she was ready to let go.

Colin's hands moved to her hips, his fingers gripping her waist with a possessive firmness as he slowly bent her over the desk. The weight of him behind her, the warmth of his hands guiding her into position, sent a shiver down her spine. Her breath came in ragged gasps, her body trembling with anticipation as she felt the cool wood beneath her stomach, the contrast of his heat against her back almost overwhelming.

"You're already so wet for me," Colin murmured, his voice thick with desire as his fingers slid down between her legs, parting her slick folds with ease. The wetness there was undeniable, her body ready and eager for him, and he let out a soft groan of approval as he teased her gently, his fingers brushing against the sensitive bundle of nerves that had been throbbing with need for what felt like hours.

Penelope whimpered, her hips shifting instinctively as she pushed back against his hand, desperate for more of his touch. "Colin, please," she gasped, her voice trembling with need. "I need you."

He chuckled softly, his hand sliding away from her, leaving her aching for him as he positioned himself behind her. "Patience, my love," he whispered, though there was a rough edge to his voice now, betraying his own desire. "I told you I'd reward you, and I will."

Without another word, he positioned himself at her entrance, his cock pressing against her wetness as he guided himself inside her with one slow, deliberate thrust. Penelope gasped, her hands gripping the desk even tighter as he filled her, the sudden stretch of him inside her sending a wave of pleasure crashing through her.

Colin groaned low in his throat, his hands gripping her hips as he pushed himself deeper, his body trembling with the effort of holding back. "You feel... incredible," he murmured, his voice thick with pleasure as he began to move, setting a slow, steady pace that left her breathless.

Penelope's moans filled the room, her body arching against the desk as Colin's thrusts grew harder, deeper, each movement sending jolts of pleasure through her. She was already so wet, her body slick with desire, and the sound of their bodies moving together only heightened the intensity of the moment. Her fingers dug into the wood, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she lost herself in the rhythm of his movements.

Colin's grip on her hips tightened, his thrusts growing more forceful as he drove into her with a raw, primal need. "You belong to me," he growled, his voice rough as he leaned over her, his chest pressing against her back. "No one else gets to see you like this, to take you like this. Only me."

His words sent a shiver of excitement through her, the possessiveness in his tone only adding to the fire that burned between them. "Only you, Colin," she gasped, her voice trembling with the force of her pleasure. "Only you."

The pace quickened, Colin's thrusts becoming almost desperate as he chased their shared release, his breath hot against her neck as he held her close. The heat between them was unbearable now, the slick slide of their bodies together driving them both toward the edge.

Penelope could feel herself teetering on the brink, her body tightening with the impending release that she had been holding back for so long. Her moans grew louder, her hips bucking against him as the tension inside her built to an unbearable peak. "Colin, I'm—"

"Let go," he whispered, his voice rough with need as his hands slid up her body, pulling her even closer. "Come for me, Penelope."

And with those words, she shattered.

A cry tore from her lips as her body convulsed with the force of her release, her muscles tightening around him as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her. Her vision blurred, her body trembling as she gave herself over completely to the intensity of the moment, her moans mingling with the sound of Colin's ragged breath.

Colin followed her over the edge moments later, his own release hitting him with a force that left him breathless. He thrust into her one final time, his body trembling as he spilled himself inside her, his grip on her hips tightening as he rode the waves of his pleasure. His groan was deep, filled with both satisfaction and love, as he held her close, his chest pressed against her back.

For a moment, they stayed like that, their bodies still trembling, the room filled with the sound of their heavy breathing as they came down from the heights of their shared pleasure. Colin's hands softened their grip on her waist, his touch gentle now as he slowly pulled away, his breath warm against her skin as he pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder.

"Are you all right?" he asked softly, his voice filled with tenderness as he stroked her back, his hands gentle as they moved over her.

Penelope nodded, her breath still coming in short, uneven gasps as she smiled weakly, her body still humming with the afterglow of their lovemaking. "I'm more than all right," she whispered, her voice trembling with affection as she turned her head to look at him, her eyes filled with love. "I'm perfect."

Colin chuckled softly, his hands sliding up to cup her face as he kissed her gently, the intensity of the moment fading into a quiet, intimate warmth that filled the room. "You are perfect," he whispered against her lips, his voice filled with reverence. "My perfect wife."