Day 7 - Roleplay Lady Whistledown/Light DomSub

Day 7 - Roleplay Lady Whistledown/Light DomSub

The candlelight flickered in the room, casting long shadows across the walls as Colin stood by the window, his hands resting in the pockets of his waistcoat. He had been waiting patiently, the anticipation coiling inside him like a tightly wound spring as he watched the door. Tonight was different—tonight, they were no longer simply husband and wife. Tonight, Penelope was someone else entirely, someone who had once held the entire ton in the palm of her hand.

Lady Whistledown.

He had suggested it only in passing, but Penelope had taken the idea to heart, her mischievous smile hinting at something far deeper. Now, as he waited for her to enter, his heart pounded in his chest with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. What would it be like to take the notorious gossip queen herself? The woman whose pen had shaped society, whose words had struck fear and admiration into the hearts of all.

The soft creak of the door opening drew his attention, and Colin's breath caught as he turned to face her.

There she stood, framed in the doorway, her posture regal and commanding in a way that took his breath away. Penelope was dressed in a striking gown of deep, inky black, her hair pulled back elegantly, her lips painted a dark, tempting red. But it wasn't just her appearance that set his heart racing—it was the way she held herself, the air of authority and control that radiated from her as she stepped into the room.

"Mr. Bridgerton," she said, her voice low and laced with a hint of playful mockery. "You've requested an audience with Lady Whistledown. I trust you have something of importance to share?"

Colin's breath hitched at the sound of her voice, the persona of Lady Whistledown slipping so easily over her that it made his pulse quicken. He had always known Penelope to be sharp, quick-witted, but this—this was something else entirely. She had become the very embodiment of the mysterious figure who had once ruled the social scene, and Colin found himself completely enthralled.

"I do," he replied, his voice firm and steady as he took a step toward her, his eyes dark with desire. "But I suspect you already know what I have to say."

Penelope raised an eyebrow, a small, knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips as she watched him approach. "Oh? And what would that be, Mr. Bridgerton? I must warn you, flattery will get you nowhere with me. My reputation is far too valuable to be swayed by charming words."

Colin chuckled softly, his steps bringing him closer to her until he stood just inches away, his gaze locked on hers. "I wasn't planning to flatter you, Lady Whistledown," he murmured, his voice dropping to a low, husky whisper. "In fact, I've come to take something far more valuable."

Penelope's eyes widened slightly at his words, her breath catching in her throat as she felt the shift in the air between them. There was a power dynamic at play now, one that thrilled her as much as it made her heart race. She had always been in control as Lady Whistledown—always the one holding the cards. But tonight, it seemed that Colin had other plans.

"Oh?" she replied, her voice still steady but laced with a hint of challenge. "And what exactly do you think you're going to take, Mr. Bridgerton?"

Colin's hand moved swiftly, his fingers gripping her chin with a firm but gentle touch as he tilted her head back, forcing her to meet his gaze. "You," he growled softly, his voice filled with dark promise. "I'm going to take you, Lady Whistledown. And tonight, you will belong to me."

Penelope's breath hitched at the raw desire in his voice, her heart pounding in her chest as the weight of his words settled over her. There was no escaping the intensity of his gaze, no denying the way his touch sent shivers of anticipation down her spine. She had wanted this—wanted to give herself over to him completely, to relinquish the control that she had wielded for so long.

"Do you think you can dominate me?" she whispered, her voice trembling slightly as she maintained the air of Lady Whistledown, even as her body betrayed her with its growing need. "I am not so easily subdued, Mr. Bridgerton."

Colin's smile was dark, filled with the kind of confidence that made her heart race. "We'll see about that."

Without another word, he pulled her into his arms, his lips crashing against hers in a kiss that was both possessive and demanding. There was no gentleness in the way he claimed her, no hesitation in his touch as his hands slid down her body, gripping her waist with a force that left her breathless.

Penelope gasped into the kiss, her hands flying to his shoulders as she tried to steady herself, the intensity of his desire overwhelming her senses. He was not the Colin she knew—the kind, gentle husband who had always been careful with her. Tonight, he was something else entirely. Something darker, more primal.

Colin's hands moved quickly, his fingers deftly unfastening the buttons of her gown as he pushed the fabric down her shoulders, exposing the soft curve of her breasts to the cool air. His lips left hers, trailing down her neck with a series of heated, possessive kisses that left her gasping for breath.

"Do you still think you're in control, Lady Whistledown?" he murmured against her skin, his voice rough with desire as his hands slid over her body, exploring every inch of her with a hunger that made her knees weak.

Penelope's head fell back, her body arching into his touch as she let out a soft moan. She had never felt so vulnerable, so completely at his mercy, and yet, she had never felt more alive.

"You're mine tonight," Colin growled, his hands gripping her hips as he spun her around, pressing her against the edge of the desk. "And I'm going to make sure you never forget it."

Before she could respond, his hands were on her again, pushing her down onto the desk as he spread her legs apart, exposing her to him completely. The sound of fabric rustling filled the room as he hastily freed himself from his trousers, his cock hard and ready as he positioned himself behind her.

"Tell me," he whispered, his breath hot against her ear as he teased her entrance with the head of his cock, "does Lady Whistledown beg for what she wants?"

Penelope's breath caught in her throat, her body trembling with a mixture of anticipation and desire as she felt him pressing against her. She knew what he wanted—knew that he was waiting for her to relinquish the last bit of control she had been holding onto.

"I..." Her voice faltered, her lips trembling as the persona of Lady Whistledown began to slip away, leaving only Penelope—vulnerable and desperate for him. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I beg for it, Colin. Please... take me."

Colin groaned softly at her words, his cock twitching with need as he pushed into her with one swift, deliberate thrust. Penelope cried out, her hands gripping the edge of the desk as he filled her completely, his body pressing against hers as he claimed her with an intensity that left her breathless.

He set a punishing pace, his hips slamming against hers as he drove into her again and again, his hands gripping her waist with a possessive force that made her moan with every thrust. The sound of their bodies moving together filled the room, the intensity of the moment overwhelming her senses as she surrendered completely to him.

"Tell me," Colin growled, his voice rough with desire as he leaned over her, his breath hot against her ear. "Who do you belong to?"

Penelope's breath hitched, her body trembling beneath him as she gasped for air. "You," she whispered, her voice trembling with pleasure. "I belong to you, Colin."

Her words sent him over the edge, his thrusts becoming harder, more desperate as he chased their shared release. Penelope's cries of pleasure grew louder, her body shaking with the force of her impending climax as Colin drove her closer and closer to the edge.

"Come for me," he growled, his voice filled with command as his hand slipped between her legs, his fingers finding the sensitive bud that throbbed with need. "Come for me, Lady Whistledown."

And with one final, shuddering cry, Penelope did.

Her body convulsed beneath him, her release crashing over her in wave after wave of intense pleasure. Her hands gripped the edge of the desk tightly, her knuckles white as she gasped for breath, her muscles tightening around Colin with each tremor of her orgasm. Her entire world seemed to narrow down to this moment—Colin's body pressed against hers, his cock buried deep inside her as he drove her to the very brink.

But Colin wasn't far behind. The sensation of her tightness gripping him, the way she trembled and sobbed with pleasure beneath him, was enough to push him over the edge. His hips bucked against hers, his thrusts becoming frantic, desperate, as he chased his own release. The heat between them was unbearable now, the slick sound of their bodies moving together filling the room as Colin lost himself in the intensity of the moment.

"Penelope," he groaned, his voice thick with need as his hands gripped her waist, pulling her harder against him. His breath came in short, ragged bursts as he felt his release building inside him, the pressure mounting with every thrust.

And then, with a deep, guttural moan, he came.

Colin's body tensed, his grip on her hips tightening as he spilled himself inside her, the hot, pulsing waves of his release sending shudders through his body. His cock twitched inside her as he filled her completely, the sensation of his seed spilling into her making Penelope moan softly, her body still trembling from the force of her own orgasm.

They stayed like that for a moment, their bodies still pressed together, their breathing heavy and uneven as they came down from the intensity of their shared release. Colin's hands loosened their grip on her waist, his touch softening as he leaned over her, his breath warm against her skin. He nuzzled the side of her neck, placing soft kisses along the curve of her shoulder, his lips lingering in a way that made Penelope smile.

"I must admit," Colin murmured, his voice low and teasing as he trailed his fingers down her back, "I never expected to have such an... intimate encounter with Lady Whistledown. Quite the privilege."

Penelope let out a soft laugh, her body still tingling with the aftershocks of their passion. She shifted slightly in his arms, turning her head to glance at him over her shoulder, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well," she said, her voice breathless but playful, "I don't normally grant such private audiences, Mr. Bridgerton. Consider yourself very fortunate."

Colin chuckled, his grip on her waist tightening affectionately. "Fortunate, indeed," he agreed, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he continued to nuzzle her neck. "Though I must say, I never imagined Lady Whistledown to be so... easily subdued."

Penelope raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a smirk as she twisted slightly in his arms, her tone playful but laced with mock indignation. "Easily subdued? I believe you're underestimating Lady Whistledown, Colin. She's far more clever than you give her credit for."

Colin grinned, clearly enjoying the playful banter between them as he pressed a kiss to her temple. "Oh, I have no doubt about her cleverness," he replied smoothly, his voice filled with affection. "But it seems even the sharpest minds can be... distracted under the right circumstances."

Penelope's cheeks flushed, but she refused to let him win so easily. "Distracted, perhaps," she said with a coy smile, "but never defeated. Lady Whistledown may have allowed herself to be taken, but only because it suited her purpose."

Colin laughed, the sound deep and rich as he rested his chin on her shoulder, clearly enjoying the game they were playing. "Ah, I see. So it was all part of her grand plan, was it? Allowing me to think I had the upper hand?"

"Of course," Penelope replied with a playful tilt of her head, her voice light and teasing. "Lady Whistledown is nothing if not strategic. She always has the upper hand, even when she appears to be at a disadvantage."

Colin raised an eyebrow, his grin widening as he gently spun her around to face him, his hands resting on her hips as he gazed down at her with a mixture of love and amusement. "Is that so? Well, I suppose I shall have to be on my guard, then. Lest Lady Whistledown strike again when I least expect it."

Penelope smiled up at him, her heart swelling with affection as she leaned into his embrace, her hands sliding up to rest against his chest. "Oh, I wouldn't worry too much," she murmured softly, her tone still playful but filled with warmth. "Lady Whistledown only strikes those who deserve it. And you, Colin, have been quite... satisfying."

Colin laughed again, his arms pulling her closer as he leaned down to press a soft, lingering kiss to her lips. "I'm glad to hear it," he whispered against her mouth, his voice filled with affection and a hint of teasing. "But I'll be sure to stay in Lady Whistledown's good graces, just in case."

Penelope grinned, her fingers curling into his shirt as she kissed him back, her heart light and full of joy. "A wise decision, Mr. Bridgerton," she whispered, her tone playful. "Very wise indeed."