Day 3: Semi-Public/Squirting

Day 3: Semi-Public/Squirting

Elsa stood stiffly at the edge of the grand ballroom, her hands clasped tightly in front of her as she watched the foreign dignitaries twirl and sway to the music. The soft strains of the orchestra filled the room, but all Elsa could hear was the steady hum of her anxiety, the weight of her crown pressing down on her head.

She hated events like this—formal gatherings with foreign dignitaries who spoke in veiled compliments and delicate political games. It made her feel out of place, constantly wondering if she was saying the right thing, acting the right way. She was the Queen of Arendelle, and she had a duty to maintain, but sometimes it all felt like too much.

Beside her, Anna chatted animatedly with one of the visiting nobles, her laughter ringing out like music of its own. She was a natural in these settings—so warm, so easygoing. Anna fit in effortlessly, always knowing how to put people at ease, how to charm them without even trying. Elsa admired that about her. It was one of the many reasons she loved Anna so deeply.

But as much as she appreciated Anna's ability to handle these events, tonight, Elsa felt like she was drowning. The ball, the pressure, the constant expectation of perfection—it was weighing on her, making it hard to breathe.

Elsa's fingers twisted nervously around the fabric of her gown as she glanced around the room, her heart racing. She needed air. She needed space. She needed to get out of here.

Anna, ever attuned to Elsa's moods, noticed the shift almost immediately. Her conversation with the noble tapered off, and she turned toward Elsa, her eyes filled with concern. "Hey," Anna said softly, stepping closer to her. "You okay?"

Elsa forced a smile, but she knew it didn't reach her eyes. "I'm fine," she whispered, her voice tight. "Just... overwhelmed."

Anna frowned, her brow furrowing as she studied Elsa for a moment. She could see the tension in her posture, the way Elsa's hands were clenched together too tightly, the subtle stiffness in her movements. She knew what this was—knew how these events drained Elsa, how much she struggled with the pressure of being queen in such public settings.

Without missing a beat, Anna leaned in closer, her voice low and full of warmth. "Why don't we slip away for a bit?" she suggested, her lips brushing against Elsa's ear. "Just the two of us. No one will even notice."

Elsa's heart skipped a beat at the suggestion, her breath catching in her throat. The idea of leaving—of escaping this suffocating ballroom, even for just a few minutes—was incredibly tempting. But she was the queen. She couldn't just walk out, could she?

"I... I don't know," Elsa hesitated, her voice wavering as she glanced around the room again. "I should stay. The dignitaries—"

"They'll be fine," Anna interrupted gently, her hand sliding down to rest lightly on Elsa's waist. "They're all too busy dancing and drinking to notice if we slip away for a bit. Besides," Anna added, her voice dropping to a whisper, "you look like you need a distraction."

Elsa's cheeks flushed slightly at the tone in Anna's voice, a soft warmth spreading through her at the feel of Anna's hand on her waist. There was something more to Anna's suggestion—something playful, something intimate. A distraction, yes, but not just any kind of distraction.

"I do need a distraction," Elsa admitted softly, her breath catching as she met Anna's eyes.

Anna smiled, her eyes twinkling mischievously as she leaned in closer, her lips brushing lightly against Elsa's ear. "Then let me help," she whispered, her voice filled with affection but also a teasing edge that made Elsa's heart race.

Before Elsa could respond, Anna gently took her hand, leading her toward one of the side doors that led out of the ballroom. The music continued to play behind them, the soft hum of conversation filling the air, but none of it mattered now. The moment Anna's fingers intertwined with hers, Elsa's focus shifted entirely to her.

They slipped through the door unnoticed, the soft click of it closing behind them sealing them away from the rest of the world. The hallway was dimly lit, the soft glow of candles casting long shadows on the stone walls. It was quiet here, the muffled sounds of the ball barely reaching them.

Anna led Elsa down the hallway, her pace quick but deliberate. She knew exactly where she was going, her hand still gripping Elsa's tightly as they turned a corner and headed toward a small, seldom-used storage closet tucked away at the far end of the corridor.

Elsa's breath came in short bursts, her heart racing not just from the excitement of sneaking away but from the way Anna's hand felt in hers—the warmth of it, the sense of being led somewhere only the two of them existed.

When they reached the door to the closet, Anna glanced back at Elsa, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "This should be private enough," she whispered, her voice filled with anticipation as she opened the door and gently pulled Elsa inside.

The small space was dark, filled with shelves of cleaning supplies and spare linens. It wasn't exactly the most glamorous of locations, but it was secluded, and right now, that was all that mattered. The door clicked shut behind them, and Elsa's pulse quickened as the reality of the moment sank in.

Anna's hands slid up Elsa's arms, her touch light but filled with intention. "I know how much you hate these things," Anna whispered, her voice soft but laced with a teasing edge. "So let me make it better."

Elsa's breath caught in her throat as Anna's hands moved to her waist, pulling her closer. The heat between them was immediate, the tension palpable in the small, dark space. "Anna," Elsa whispered, her voice trembling slightly as her hands came up to rest on Anna's shoulders. "We... we can't just..."

Anna smiled, her lips curving into a mischievous grin as she pressed her body against Elsa's, her breath warm against Elsa's neck. "Yes, we can," Anna whispered, her voice low and full of promise. "No one will notice. No one will hear."

Elsa's pulse raced, her heart pounding in her chest as Anna's hands slid down her sides, her fingers teasing the fabric of Elsa's gown. "I know how tense you've been," Anna whispered, her lips brushing against the sensitive skin of Elsa's neck. "And I know exactly how to fix it."

Elsa's breath hitched, her body trembling with anticipation as Anna's fingers moved to the hem of her gown, slowly hiking the fabric up, exposing Elsa's legs to the cool air of the closet. The sensation sent a shiver down Elsa's spine, her hands tightening slightly on Anna's shoulders.

"Anna—" Elsa began, but her words were cut off by the soft, teasing touch of Anna's fingers sliding up her inner thigh.

Anna's touch was light at first, almost feather-soft, but it was enough to make Elsa gasp, her body responding immediately to the intimate caress. Anna's fingers brushed higher, teasing the sensitive skin of Elsa's thighs, but never quite reaching where Elsa needed her most.

"You're always so in control," Anna whispered, her voice low and filled with affection. "But right now, I want you to let go. Just for me."

Anna's fingers finally slid between Elsa's legs, brushing lightly over her center, and Elsa gasped, her body arching instinctively toward the touch. The sensation was overwhelming, the heat pooling low in her belly as Anna's fingers moved in slow, deliberate circles.

"You're so wet," Anna whispered, her voice filled with admiration as her fingers continued to tease Elsa, never quite giving her what she needed. "I can feel how much you want this."

Elsa whimpered softly, her hands tightening on Anna's shoulders as the tension inside her built. The ball, the dignitaries, the weight of her crown—it all faded into the background. Right now, all she could think about was Anna. All she could feel was Anna's touch, her fingers teasing her, bringing her closer to the edge but never letting her fall.

Anna smiled against Elsa's neck, her breath warm against her skin as she pressed a soft kiss to the delicate curve of her jaw. "I love seeing you like this," Anna whispered, her voice soft but filled with desire. "So beautiful. So mine."

Elsa's breath hitched, her body trembling as Anna's fingers slid lower, brushing lightly over her entrance before slipping inside. The sensation was electric, sending a shockwave of pleasure through her, and Elsa gasped, her hips pressing forward instinctively.

Anna's fingers moved slowly at first, exploring, teasing, her thumb brushing lightly over Elsa's clit as she worked her fingers deeper inside. The heat between them was overwhelming, the small space of the closet amplifying the intensity of every touch, every breath.

Elsa whimpered softly, her hands sliding up to tangle in Anna's hair as she pressed herself against her. The sensation of Anna's fingers moving inside her, slow and deliberate, was overwhelming, making her body tremble with need. Every nerve in Elsa's body was on fire, and Anna knew exactly how to stoke the flames, her fingers teasing in all the right places but still holding back, still drawing out the anticipation.

"Anna," Elsa whispered, her breath catching as her hips rolled forward, seeking more of that intoxicating touch. "I need... more."

Anna smiled against Elsa's neck, her lips pressing light kisses along the sensitive skin as her fingers curled inside her, hitting just the right spot that made Elsa gasp, her body arching toward her. "I know," Anna whispered, her voice low and teasing. "I know exactly what you need."

Before Elsa could respond, Anna pulled her hand back, leaving Elsa feeling suddenly empty, the loss of contact making her whimper softly. But then Anna knelt down in front of her, her hands sliding up Elsa's thighs as she gently pushed the fabric of her gown higher, her breath warm against Elsa's bare skin.

Elsa's heart raced, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as she realized what Anna was about to do. The dark, confined space of the closet only heightened the tension between them, making every touch, every whisper feel even more intimate. Anna's hands slid up higher, pushing the gown up to Elsa's waist, and Elsa bit her lip, her body trembling with anticipation.

Anna's head disappeared beneath the folds of Elsa's gown, her hands gripping Elsa's thighs firmly as she positioned herself between her legs. The warmth of Anna's breath against her already sensitive skin sent a shiver down Elsa's spine, and she braced herself against the wall, her hands clutching at the shelves behind her for support.

"Anna..." Elsa gasped, her voice barely above a whisper as she felt Anna's lips brush lightly against her center.

Anna didn't respond with words; instead, she pressed her mouth against Elsa's wetness, her tongue sliding over her in a slow, deliberate motion that made Elsa's whole body jerk with pleasure. The sensation was overwhelming, Anna's tongue teasing her, exploring her, tasting her in a way that made Elsa feel like she was about to fall apart.

Elsa's breath hitched, her body trembling as Anna's tongue moved in slow, steady strokes, circling her clit before sliding lower, dipping inside her briefly before returning to tease her clit again. The sensation was intense, and Elsa moaned softly, her hips pressing forward instinctively, seeking more of that delicious friction.

Anna's hands gripped Elsa's thighs tighter, holding her steady as she began to work her tongue faster, more deliberately now, her lips wrapping around Elsa's clit as she sucked gently. The pleasure was unbearable, the heat between Elsa's legs building rapidly as Anna's mouth worked her closer and closer to the edge.

Elsa's head fell back against the wall, her eyes squeezing shut as her hands tightened on the shelves behind her. She could barely breathe, the sensation of Anna's mouth on her sending wave after wave of pleasure through her, each one more intense than the last. Her hips moved of their own accord, rolling forward as Anna's tongue flicked over her clit, her body trembling with the effort of holding back.

"Anna," Elsa gasped, her voice shaky as she felt herself teetering on the edge. "I'm... I'm so close."

Anna's only response was to press her mouth harder against Elsa, her tongue moving faster, her lips sucking firmly on her clit as she pushed Elsa closer and closer to the breaking point. The heat between them was unbearable now, the small, dark space amplifying every moan, every gasp, every wet sound of Anna's mouth working relentlessly between Elsa's legs.

Elsa's body shook, her breath coming in short, desperate bursts as she felt the pressure inside her building to an unbearable peak. She was so close, so close to falling apart, but Anna wasn't letting up. Her mouth moved faster, her tongue flicking over Elsa's clit with expert precision, her fingers digging into Elsa's thighs as she held her steady.

And then, it happened.

The pressure that had been building inside Elsa finally broke, and she cried out, her entire body convulsing as her orgasm ripped through her. But this time, something was different—something more intense, more powerful. As the waves of pleasure crashed over her, Elsa felt a sudden, uncontrollable release, a rush of liquid that she had never experienced before.

She gasped, her eyes flying open as her body jerked forward, her hips bucking wildly against Anna's face. "Anna!" Elsa cried, her voice filled with shock and pleasure as she felt herself squirting for the first time, the sensation overwhelming her completely.

Anna didn't pull back. In fact, she only pressed harder, her mouth working even faster as Elsa squirted all over her face, the wetness coating her lips, her chin. She moaned softly against Elsa's skin, clearly loving every moment of it, her hands still gripping Elsa's thighs tightly as she continued to lap at her, drawing out every last bit of her release.

Elsa's whole body shook, her breath coming in ragged gasps as the intensity of her orgasm finally began to subside. She could barely stand, her legs trembling as she leaned heavily against the wall, her hands still clutching the shelves for support.

Anna finally pulled back, her face flushed and glistening with Elsa's release. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, a satisfied grin spreading across her lips as she looked up at Elsa, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"That was..." Elsa's voice trailed off, her breath still shaky as she tried to find the words. "Anna, I... I didn't know I could do that."

Anna laughed softly, her eyes filled with affection as she stood up, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Guess I'm just that good," she teased, leaning in to press a soft kiss to Elsa's flushed cheek.

Elsa's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but there was also a deep sense of satisfaction, a release she hadn't even realized she needed. But then, reality started to set in, and Elsa's eyes widened as she looked at Anna's face, still glistening with evidence of what had just happened.

"Anna," Elsa whispered, her voice full of concern. "There's no way you can go back to the ball like that. You're... covered."

Anna glanced down at herself, then back up at Elsa, and laughed. "Well, maybe I'll just stay here with you, then," she whispered, her lips curving into a wicked grin. "I'm not done distracting you yet."