Day 13 - Modern AU/Teacher & Student

Day 13 - Modern AU/Teacher & Student

Elsa sat in the back of the classroom, nervously tapping her pen against her notebook as her eyes drifted toward the front of the room. Anna stood at the whiteboard, her voice carrying confidently through the room as she went over the day's lesson. She was captivating, not just because she was a good teacher, but because Elsa couldn't stop watching her.

It was all kinds of wrong. Elsa knew that. She knew she should be focusing on the lesson—taking notes, preparing for her upcoming test—but all she could think about was Anna. The way she moved, the way her voice softened when she was explaining something complicated, the way her smile seemed to make the entire room light up.

Anna wasn't just any teacher. She was Elsa's teacher.

And that was a problem.

It had started innocently enough. Elsa had enrolled in this course just like any other student. She hadn't expected anything special, but the moment she stepped into the classroom and saw Anna at the front, everything had changed. There was something about Anna that made it impossible for Elsa to concentrate. She was drawn to her in a way that went far beyond admiration for her teaching skills.

Elsa wasn't sure when her crush had spiraled into something more, but now, sitting there, watching Anna as she wrote on the board, Elsa couldn't deny that her feelings had grown. It wasn't just a simple crush anymore. It was a full-blown obsession.

And it was getting harder to hide.

"Alright, class," Anna said, turning back toward the room with that same bright smile that always made Elsa's heart skip a beat. "That's it for today. Make sure you've gone through the assigned readings before next week's quiz. If you have any questions, I'll be here for the next few minutes."

The students began to gather their things, the room filling with the sounds of shuffling papers and quiet chatter. Elsa's heart raced as she watched Anna move toward her desk, her mind already forming an excuse to stay behind. She didn't have a question—at least, not one about the class—but she needed a reason to talk to Anna, even if only for a moment.

With shaky hands, Elsa slid her notebook into her bag and stood, glancing nervously at the door as her classmates filed out. She could still leave—she could walk out like everyone else, pretending that she didn't have this ridiculous crush on her teacher. But something stopped her, something stronger than her nerves.

She wanted more.

Anna looked up as the last student left the room, her smile softening when she noticed Elsa still standing there. "Elsa," she said warmly, her voice sending a shiver down Elsa's spine. "Do you need help with something?"

Elsa swallowed hard, her fingers gripping the strap of her bag as she took a step forward. "I, um... I had a question about the assignment," she stammered, her voice shaky as she tried to sound casual.

Anna raised an eyebrow, her smile never faltering as she gestured for Elsa to come closer. "Of course. What's your question?"

Elsa's heart pounded in her chest as she walked toward Anna's desk, her mind racing to come up with something to say. But when she finally stood in front of her, the words seemed to disappear, leaving her standing there, staring at Anna like an idiot.

Anna noticed Elsa's hesitation, and her smile softened into something more concerned. "Elsa, are you okay?" she asked, her voice gentle as she leaned forward slightly, her eyes searching Elsa's face.

Elsa's breath caught in her throat. She couldn't lie—not to Anna. Not when she was looking at her like that, with so much care and concern. But she couldn't tell the truth either. How could she explain that she had been staring at Anna for weeks, unable to focus on anything else? How could she admit that she wanted Anna in a way that no student should ever want their teacher?

"I'm fine," Elsa said quickly, her voice sounding too high-pitched, even to her own ears. "I just... I've been having a hard time concentrating in class lately."

Anna tilted her head slightly, her eyes narrowing in concern. "Is everything okay? I mean, outside of class?" she asked, her voice soft and full of genuine worry. "If you're struggling with something, you can always talk to me. I want to help."

Elsa's heart twisted painfully in her chest. Anna had no idea what she was doing to her. She had no idea how much those words made Elsa want to spill everything, to tell her the truth about why she couldn't concentrate. But she couldn't. She wouldn't. Instead, Elsa took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart.

"It's nothing like that," Elsa said quickly, her eyes darting to the floor. "I've just been... distracted."

Anna raised an eyebrow, leaning back slightly in her chair as she studied Elsa. "Distracted?" she repeated, her voice full of curiosity.

Elsa nodded, her fingers fidgeting nervously with the strap of her bag. "Yeah... it's just... hard to focus sometimes," she muttered, her face growing warm under Anna's gaze. She could feel her heart pounding in her ears, the words getting stuck in her throat as she tried to explain herself without revealing too much.

Anna smiled softly, her eyes sparkling with understanding. "Well, maybe we can find a way to help you focus," she said, her voice soft but full of suggestion. "I could always give you some extra one-on-one time if that would help."

Elsa's breath caught in her throat, her mind going blank as Anna's words hit her like a freight train. One-on-one time? With Anna? Alone? The thought sent a shiver down Elsa's spine, her heart racing at the mere idea of being alone with her teacher, with her .

"W-What do you mean?" Elsa stammered, her voice trembling as she looked up at Anna, her eyes wide with a mix of anticipation and fear.

Anna's smile widened just a fraction, her eyes locking onto Elsa's as she stood from her desk, walking around to stand directly in front of her. "Exactly what it sounds like," Anna said, her voice low and full of intent. "I think you need a little more... personal attention."

Elsa's heart raced as Anna stepped closer, her body suddenly so much closer than it had ever been. Elsa could feel the warmth radiating from Anna's skin, could smell the faint scent of her perfume, and it was all too much. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think.

Anna was close enough now that Elsa could see the subtle curve of her lips, the way her eyes sparkled with something that went far beyond simple concern for a struggling student. There was something else in Anna's gaze, something that made Elsa's stomach flip and her pulse quicken.

"I..." Elsa's voice faltered, her words barely a whisper as she looked up at Anna, her breath catching in her throat. "I don't think that's..."

Anna smiled again, her hand reaching out to gently cup Elsa's chin, tilting her head up so their eyes met. "Relax, Elsa," Anna whispered, her voice soft and reassuring, but there was an edge to it now, something teasing and playful. "You've been distracted because you want something. I can tell."

Elsa's heart pounded in her chest, and her breath caught in her throat. The way Anna was looking at her made her head spin, like she was seeing right through every wall Elsa had put up. She wasn't sure how to respond, wasn't even sure if she could respond. But the intensity in Anna's eyes—the way she leaned in just a little closer—left no room for Elsa to escape.

"You've been distracted because of me, haven't you?" Anna whispered, her lips so close to Elsa's ear now that Elsa could feel her breath against her skin. It sent shivers down Elsa's spine, and her body tensed in a way she couldn't control. "I've seen the way you look at me in class, the way you try to focus but can't."

Elsa tried to step back, her mind screaming at her that this wasn't right. That this was her teacher , and she couldn't—she shouldn't—feel like this. But Anna's hand moved quickly, sliding to Elsa's hip, holding her in place.

"Anna..." Elsa's voice was shaky, barely audible as she felt her body freeze under Anna's touch. Her mind was spinning, but her body—the way it responded to Anna's presence, to the heat of her skin so close—was betraying her. She could feel the tension building inside her, the way her pulse quickened, her body craving more of Anna's touch even though she knew she shouldn't.

"You don't have to pretend anymore, Elsa," Anna murmured, her lips grazing Elsa's ear as she spoke. "I've noticed. And I can tell... you want this."

Elsa's breath hitched, her body trembling as Anna's hand moved lower, her fingers brushing over the waistband of Elsa's skirt. It was so wrong, so inappropriate—but the heat between them was undeniable. Elsa couldn't stop the way her hips pressed forward, just slightly, just enough to show how badly she wanted Anna's touch.

Anna smiled against her skin, her hand slipping lower, brushing over Elsa's thigh as she leaned in closer. "I knew it," she whispered, her voice full of confidence now, her grip on Elsa's hip tightening as she guided her toward the desk. "You've wanted me this whole time, haven't you?"

Elsa's legs felt weak, her mind buzzing with confusion and desire as Anna pressed her against the desk. She could feel the hard edge of it digging into her thighs, but the only thing she could focus on was the way Anna's body pressed against hers, the heat between them growing unbearable. Anna's hands were everywhere now—on her hips, her waist, her thighs—and Elsa felt like she was drowning in the intensity of it all.

"Anna..." Elsa gasped, her hands gripping the edge of the desk as Anna's fingers slipped beneath her skirt, brushing lightly over her panties. The touch was electric, sending a jolt of pleasure through Elsa's entire body, and she couldn't stop the soft moan that escaped her lips.

Anna's grin widened, her fingers teasingly tracing the edge of Elsa's underwear, brushing against her sensitive skin but not quite giving her what she wanted. "You're so wet for me already," Anna murmured, her voice low and full of hunger as she pressed her fingers more firmly against Elsa's core. "I knew you'd be like this."

Elsa whimpered, her body trembling as Anna's fingers moved more deliberately now, pressing against her through the thin fabric of her underwear. She could feel herself growing wetter with each teasing touch, her body desperate for more, but Anna seemed content to draw it out, taking her time as she teased Elsa mercilessly.

"You want me to fuck you, don't you?" Anna whispered, her lips brushing against Elsa's ear as she spoke. "You've been thinking about it, haven't you? What it would feel like to have me inside you..."

Elsa's heart raced, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as she tried to keep herself composed. But Anna wasn't making it easy. Her hands were everywhere, her fingers sliding under Elsa's panties now, brushing over her slick folds with a confidence that made Elsa's legs shake.

"Yes," Elsa gasped, her voice barely a whisper as she finally gave in to the overwhelming desire that had been building inside her for weeks. "I want you..."

Anna's eyes darkened with desire, her lips curving into a wicked smile as she slid her hand lower, pressing two fingers inside Elsa with a smooth, deliberate motion that made Elsa gasp. The sensation of being filled, of Anna's fingers stretching her open, was almost too much to bear, and Elsa's head fell back, her eyes fluttering closed as she let herself get lost in the pleasure.

"Good girl," Anna murmured, her voice low and full of satisfaction as she began to move her fingers inside Elsa, thrusting them slowly at first, then picking up the pace as Elsa's hips started to move in time with her. "You feel so good, Elsa. I've been thinking about this too, you know."

Elsa moaned softly, her body trembling as Anna's fingers curled inside her, hitting that perfect spot that made her legs shake. She could feel the pressure building inside her, the tension coiling tight in her stomach as Anna's fingers moved faster, thrusting deeper with every stroke.

But just as Elsa felt herself getting close to the edge, Anna pulled her fingers out, leaving Elsa panting and trembling with need.

"Don't worry," Anna said softly, her voice full of playful affection as she stepped back for a moment, her hands moving to unbuckle her belt. "I'm not done with you yet."

Elsa's eyes widened as she watched Anna reach into her bag, pulling out a sleek, leather harness. Attached to it was a thick, smooth strap-on. 

"I've seen how you look at me, Elsa," Anna whispered, her voice lower, more predatory now as she strapped the harness around her waist, securing the toy in place. "Now, you're going to feel just how much I've wanted this too."

Elsa's heart raced, her body trembling with a mix of anticipation and fear as Anna stepped forward, the strap-on brushing against the back of her thighs. She could feel the coolness radiating from the toy, the contrast between it and Anna's warm skin making her shiver with desire.

Anna gently pushed Elsa down over the desk, her hands gripping Elsa's hips firmly as she positioned herself behind her. "Ready for me, Elsa?" Anna whispered, her lips brushing against Elsa's ear as she leaned over her.

Elsa nodded, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as she braced herself against the desk, her body trembling with anticipation. "Please..."

Anna grinned, pressing the tip of the strap-on against Elsa's entrance, teasing her for just a moment before slowly pushing inside. The size of the toy made Elsa gasp, her body clenching tightly around it as Anna began to thrust, filling her completely with each deliberate movement.

"Gods, you feel so good," Anna groaned, her hands gripping Elsa's hips tighter as she thrust deeper, the sound of their bodies moving together filling the room. "You're so tight... so perfect."

Elsa moaned, her body trembling as Anna picked up the pace, the ice strap-on sending shivers through her body with each deep thrust. She could feel the pleasure building higher and higher, her legs shaking as Anna fucked her harder, her hands gripping the desk so tightly her knuckles turned white.

"You're mine," Anna whispered, her voice full of possessive hunger as she slammed into Elsa, the sound of their bodies moving together echoing through the room. "You're all mine."