Day 3 – Cursed Jewelry/Something Made Them Do It

Day 3 – Cursed Jewelry/Something Made Them Do It

Hermione stepped cautiously through the narrow doorway of Borgin and Burkes, the smell of dust and ancient magic thick in the air. The shop was dimly lit, casting long shadows over shelves filled with ominous relics and dark artifacts. It had been years since she last set foot in the infamous Knockturn Alley shop, but as a member of the Ministry's Department of Magical Law Enforcement, she had a duty to investigate suspicious dealings in places like this.

Her robes felt heavy around her shoulders as she moved through the cluttered aisles, her wand tucked securely at her side. There had been whispers—rumors that Borgin was still trading in cursed objects, artifacts too dangerous to be left in the hands of any witch or wizard. And while Hermione had put most of her focus on legislative changes post-war, she wasn't about to turn a blind eye to places like this.

She ran her fingers over the edge of a dusty shelf, frowning as her eyes scanned the strange collection of trinkets and magical items. There was always something unsettling about the dark magic lingering in a place like Borgin and Burkes. It clung to the walls, thick and oppressive.

Borgin, the proprietor, stood behind the counter, his beady eyes watching her every move. He offered no greeting, just a sneer that seemed permanently etched into his gaunt face. But Hermione wasn't here for pleasantries. She was here for answers.

"I'm here on behalf of the Ministry," she said, her voice firm as she approached the counter. "We've had reports that you've been selling cursed objects again. I'm here to investigate."

Borgin's sneer widened, his eyes glinting with something Hermione couldn't quite place. "Is that so, Miss Granger? Always so keen to play the hero, aren't you?"

Hermione ignored his taunt, her gaze sweeping over the counter where various dangerous-looking artifacts were on display. She reached out to inspect a small, ornate necklace, its dark jewels glittering ominously in the low light. It was beautiful, in a haunting sort of way, and something about it drew her in, making her fingers itch to touch it.

But before she could fully examine it, the door to the shop creaked open, and the sound of heels clicking against the stone floor echoed through the room.

Hermione turned, her breath catching in her throat as Narcissa Malfoy entered, her presence commanding as always. The older woman was dressed in elegant black robes, her platinum hair perfectly styled. There was a sharpness in her eyes as they landed on Hermione, a flicker of something unreadable crossing her face.

"Mrs. Malfoy," Hermione greeted her, her voice cool, though her pulse quickened at the sight of the older witch.

"Miss Granger," Narcissa replied, her tone smooth as silk, though her eyes narrowed slightly as she took in the sight of Hermione standing in Borgin and Burkes. "What brings you to such a disreputable place? Surely, the Ministry keeps its brightest witch in finer establishments these days."

Hermione's lips tightened. "I'm here investigating reports of cursed objects being sold again. I assume you have no business here?"

Narcissa raised an elegant brow, her lips curving into a small, knowing smile. "I have my reasons for being here, just as you do. But I'd suggest being careful, Miss Granger. Some things in this shop are not meant to be touched."

Her warning came too late.

In that moment, Hermione's fingers brushed against the cursed necklace, the cold metal sending a sharp jolt through her hand. She gasped, jerking her hand back, but it was already too late. A wave of dark magic surged through her body, making her knees buckle as the curse took hold.

"Miss Granger!" Narcissa's voice was sharp, all traces of amusement gone as she moved forward in an instant.

Hermione's vision blurred, her body trembling as the curse coursed through her veins, a strange, almost unbearable heat spreading through her. It was like nothing she had ever felt before—an overwhelming surge of arousal, sharp and insistent, as if her entire body had been set on fire.

"W-What is this?" Hermione gasped, her voice barely more than a whisper as she struggled to stay upright, her legs weak and shaking.

Narcissa reached her just in time, her hands steadying Hermione as she looked down at the cursed necklace with cold fury in her eyes.

"Borgin," Narcissa snapped, her voice cutting through the haze that had clouded Hermione's mind. "Leave. Now."

Borgin opened his mouth to protest, but the look Narcissa shot him silenced him immediately. He scurried from the shop, leaving the two witches alone in the dimly lit room.

"Narcissa…" Hermione tried to speak, but the words caught in her throat as another wave of heat surged through her, stronger this time, making her gasp. Her body ached with need, her skin flushed, her breath coming in short, desperate bursts.

Narcissa's hands were still on her, steady and firm as she guided Hermione to sit on the edge of the counter. "It's a curse," Narcissa said, her voice cold and clipped as she examined the necklace without touching it. "One designed to invoke extreme arousal. The longer it goes on, the more unbearable it becomes."

Hermione whimpered, her body trembling with the intensity of the sensations that coursed through her. She could feel every inch of her skin tingling, her nipples hard against the fabric of her robes, her core aching with a need she couldn't control.

"Cursed objects like this are designed to incapacitate the victim," Narcissa continued, her voice calm and clinical, as if she were discussing a simple potions ingredient. "If you don't—relieve the symptoms—it will eventually become fatal."

Hermione's eyes widened in horror. "What do you mean?"

Narcissa sighed, her expression softening just slightly as she looked down at Hermione. "You need to reach release from another person, or the curse will consume you. Your body won't be able to handle the buildup of magic and arousal. It will kill you."

The words sent a cold shiver down Hermione's spine, even as her body burned with unbearable heat. Her hands gripped the edge of the counter, her knuckles white as she fought to stay focused.

"I—I can't," Hermione gasped, her breath coming in shallow bursts. "I can't do it alone?"

Narcissa's gaze softened slightly, though her face remained composed. "I'll help you."

Hermione's heart pounded in her chest, a mix of relief and fear flooding through her as Narcissa moved closer. The older witch's hands were cool and steady as she cupped Hermione's face, tilting her chin up to meet her gaze.

"You'll be fine," Narcissa murmured, her voice low and soothing. "But you need to trust me. Do you trust me, Hermione?"

Hermione nodded, though her body trembled with the effort of holding herself together. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Narcissa's lips curved into a small, satisfied smile. "Good. Now relax. Let me take care of you."

Hermione's breath hitched as Narcissa's hands moved lower, her fingers deftly unfastening the buttons of Hermione's robes. The cool air of the shop hit Hermione's flushed skin, making her shiver as Narcissa's hands slid beneath the fabric, brushing lightly over her heated flesh.

Hermione gasped, her body arching into Narcissa's touch as another wave of arousal surged through her. It was overwhelming, the intensity of it almost unbearable as Narcissa's fingers traced over her breasts, teasing her nipples until they were hard and aching.

"Narcissa…" Hermione whimpered, her body trembling as the need grew more insistent, more desperate.

"Shh," Narcissa whispered, her hands moving lower, slipping beneath Hermione's robes to find the dampness between her thighs. "I'll take care of you."

Hermione moaned, her body shaking as Narcissa's fingers brushed against her clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. She could barely think, her mind clouded with arousal, her entire body aching with need.

Narcissa's fingers moved slowly, teasingly, as if she had all the time in the world. She stroked Hermione's clit in slow, deliberate circles, her touch firm but gentle, sending sparks of pleasure through Hermione's trembling body.

"You're so wet," Narcissa murmured, her voice low and approving as her fingers dipped lower, slipping easily inside Hermione's slick heat. "So ready for me."

Hermione moaned again, her body arching against Narcissa's hand as the older witch's fingers moved inside her, slow and deliberate, teasing her, stretching her just enough to leave her gasping for more.

But Narcissa wasn't in any hurry. Her fingers moved with agonizing slowness, pushing Hermione right to the edge of release but never letting her fall. She was teasing her, drawing out the pleasure until Hermione's body trembled with need, every muscle tight with anticipation.

"You need this, don't you?" Narcissa whispered, her breath warm against Hermione's ear as her fingers thrust deeper, stretching her deliciously. "You need me."

"Yes," Hermione gasped, her voice breathless as she clung to the edge of the counter, her entire body trembling with the overwhelming need Narcissa was building inside her.

Narcissa's fingers moved with steady precision, her touch slow but deliberate as she thrust deeper, her other hand pressing firmly against Hermione's hip to keep her grounded. Hermione could feel herself clenching around Narcissa's fingers, her body desperate for more, desperate for release.

"Feel that?" Narcissa's voice was low, almost a growl, her breath hot against Hermione's ear. "You're squeezing me so tight, Hermione. You feel so good wrapped around my fingers. So wet… so ready."

Hermione moaned, her body arching as the pressure inside her built with every thrust. Narcissa's words sent a thrill through her, only adding to the heat swirling in her core. Her entire body was on fire, the curse amplifying every sensation until she thought she might explode.

"You like this, don't you?" Narcissa continued, her fingers curling inside Hermione just right, brushing against that spot that made Hermione's vision blur. "You love how I'm making you feel. You're clenching so hard around me."

"Yes," Hermione whimpered, her breath coming in ragged gasps as her body responded to every word, every touch. "Please… don't stop…"

"Oh, I'm not stopping," Narcissa murmured, her voice dark with satisfaction as her fingers moved faster, harder, pushing Hermione closer to the edge. "I can feel how close you are, how much you need this."

Hermione could barely form a coherent thought, her mind clouded with the unbearable heat and the relentless pleasure Narcissa was coaxing from her body. The curse was consuming her, and only Narcissa's touch—only this—could stop it from tearing her apart.

"You're dripping for me," Narcissa whispered, her fingers slick with Hermione's arousal as they pumped faster, harder. "Your body knows what it needs. Let it happen."

Hermione's body trembled, her legs shaking as she felt herself on the very edge of release, her body clenching and unclenching around Narcissa's fingers as the pressure built and built. She couldn't hold back anymore; her entire being was focused on that moment, that inevitable, desperate release that would finally set her free.

"Come for me," Narcissa growled, her voice commanding but full of satisfaction, her fingers thrusting deep inside Hermione, pushing her right to the edge. "I want to feel you come."

Hermione gasped, her body arching violently as the wave of pleasure finally crashed over her, powerful and consuming. Her muscles clenched tight around Narcissa's fingers, her orgasm ripping through her with such intensity that her entire body shook. She cried out, her voice echoing through the empty shop as the curse flowed out of her with the release, leaving her panting and trembling in Narcissa's arms.

The pleasure seemed to go on forever, each wave crashing over her, until finally, Hermione collapsed against the counter, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. The curse had drained out of her with the orgasm, leaving her spent, her body quivering with the aftershocks of the intensity.

Narcissa slowly withdrew her fingers, her touch gentle now, and carefully adjusted Hermione's robes. The older witch's gaze was steady as she watched Hermione catch her breath, her eyes dark with something Hermione couldn't quite place.

"Well done," Narcissa said softly, her lips curving into a small, satisfied smile as she stepped back slightly, giving Hermione room to recover. "You handled that quite well."

Hermione felt her cheeks flush with a mix of exhaustion and embarrassment as she straightened up, smoothing down her robes. The heat of the curse was gone, replaced with a strange, lingering warmth that made her body feel boneless, but her mind was already spinning with a thousand questions.

"I—thank you," Hermione said, her voice hoarse, her body still trembling slightly from the aftermath. "I didn't—"

"You don't need to say anything," Narcissa interrupted, her expression softening slightly as she looked at Hermione. "It was a dangerous curse, but it's been lifted. However…"

Hermione looked up, meeting Narcissa's gaze with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. "However?"

Narcissa tilted her head slightly, her eyes glittering with something unreadable. "Cursed objects like that can sometimes leave lingering effects. You may feel residual sensations for a while."

Hermione swallowed hard, the idea of feeling anything close to what she had just experienced again making her heart race with a mixture of dread and arousal. "Is there anything I should do?"

A small, knowing smile spread across Narcissa's lips as she reached out, her fingers brushing lightly against Hermione's wrist. "You could come to the manor. I have the means to monitor any lingering effects and… ensure they're properly handled."

Hermione's breath caught in her throat at the invitation. The offer was clear—Narcissa wasn't merely offering to help; she was inviting Hermione into her world, her control. And after what had just happened, Hermione wasn't entirely sure she could say no.

She hesitated for only a moment before nodding, her heart pounding in her chest. "Yes," she said softly, her voice steady despite the nervous flutter in her stomach. "I think that might be… a good idea."

Narcissa's smile widened, her fingers curling slightly around Hermione's wrist as she leaned in closer. "Good. I'll expect you tonight."