A Strange Technique

Escaping by himself was an option but that wasn't the only option. He may be lacking in morality when it comes to his relationships with women but he's not a selfish prick who'd just bolt alone at the first sight of danger.

He stepped forward as he let his Celestial Eloquence flow along with his words, coaxing the primal elements to assist the two cultivators in reinforcing the barrier.

Following him, the guardian also stepped up, her eyes glinting in the flickering barrier. She threw a few handfuls of pebbles into the air, which then got molded by a primal element and transformed into a storm of earth shurikens, each one laced with her qi and the resonating primal element.

They shot one by one, piercing through the barrier and into the berserk beasts. Each hit seemed to injure them, disorient them, giving the barrier more time to hold.

No fatal hits though as the strength of those shurikens became scattered to effectively hit every elemental beast.