Yue Clan's Stance

As they walked through the Lunar Caravan's corridors, Xu Qi couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in the primal elements around them.

The building was alive with quiet activity, messengers moving discreetly or hushed conversations in side chambers, but none of it seemed chaotic.

They're well-organized, Xu Qi thought. Not the kind of people who let anything slip out of control.

Unlike with the Feng Clan where he was immediately thrust into a private chamber where a banquet was waiting for him, he had more time to observe how the Yue Clan worked.

Even in the middle of the night, activity had yet to cease. It's like their business was in operation 24 hours a day.

Xu Qi inquired Yue Rumei and she answered that it was only because of the recent tension. They had to move resources because a few of their caravans couldn't leave due to the tax or the blockade imposed by the Feng Clan.