A Glance to the Past

Xu Qi had no idea how long he had been in the Mental Realm but his mind was very active, he could even sense Ling Lian and Ji Feiyang departing from his side without breaking out of his meditation.

The tolls of the bell grew further apart as he descended deeper into his psyche. He faced images from his past, moments of joy and sorrow, regret and triumph. He saw himself as a telemarketer, a life so simple yet filled with its own challenges. He felt the pain of his heartbreaks, the pride in his achievements, and the warmth of his first kiss.

Then, he arrived at the memories of the previous Xu Qi. The owner of the body his soul has latched onto. A life of mediocrity.

At first, he was excited to pass the entrance exam to become an official disciple of the Wandering Palace. But the moment all of his peers in his batch broke through to the 2nd stage of the Elemental Awakener Realm, leaving him alone and stuck at the 1st stage, a sense of helplessness took over him.