Chapter 1: The Merge

New story, like my other ones, if i see Patreon subscriptions and support here on web novel (Comment, stones and reviews) we will continue to update.

Our update speed is fast so it depends from you all!!

My team has already stacked a good portion so don't hold back.


In Universe T-76A5, Jerry Smith was, by all standards, a failure. His marriage was strained, his children barely respected him, and his father-in-law, Rick Sanchez, constantly belittled him.

Most of all, Jerry had no understanding of the madness that unfolded around him daily, the technology, the dangers, the scope of the multiverse. He had always been in over his head, a weak mind surrounded by forces far beyond his comprehension.

And now, that same Jerry Smith was about to experience the most significant event of his life, an event he wouldn't even survive.


A man, once alive on Earth in a universe without interdimensional portals or galactic dictatorships, found himself waking up inside a body that wasn't his own. Disorientation hit him like a sledgehammer, but as his senses stabilized, he quickly realized that something was terribly wrong. He wasn't in his body, and worse, there was another consciousness inside his mind, struggling to retain control.

He could feel Jerry's weak protests, confusion, fear, but they were fading quickly. The merging was happening faster than either of them had expected. The man's soul, driven by willpower and an unrelenting desire to survive, crushed Jerry's mind effortlessly. The other presence, pathetically weak, died out like a spark in the void.

Silence followed. The body went still, then the man, the new Jerry, took his first breath.


I opened my eyes.

I could feel the cheap polyester fabric of Jerry's clothes, the weak muscles beneath his skin, and the sluggish beat of his heart. It was disgusting. Every part of this body screamed mediocrity, but for now, it would have to do. This body was mine now. Jerry Smith was dead, and I was alive in his place.

I stood up, taking a moment to adjust to the new reality. The suburban house was quiet, a dull reflection of my own memories from Earth. But this was not my world, it was a dangerous, chaotic place where the smartest man in the universe lived just a few rooms away. Rick.

I felt my lip curl as I thought of him. Never underestimate a Rick. It was one of the few constants in any universe. He was dangerous, brilliant, and, above all, unpredictable. If he even got a whiff that I wasn't the same weak, bumbling Jerry he'd been insulting for years, he'd kill me without hesitation.

But I wasn't going to play this game the way Jerry did. No, I had knowledge, limited, sure, but enough to know my objective. Rick's garage. The memory crystals. If I could access the memories stored in those crystals, I could absorb Rick's intelligence, his secrets. I would become unstoppable. Conquering this universe was just the beginning.

I felt a surge of excitement run through me. The possibilities were endless.

But first, I needed to act like Jerry. Pathetic, clueless Jerry.


I shuffled out of the bedroom and down the hallway, my body moving with the slumped posture that Jerry had perfected over years of apathy and defeat. It was revolting to mimic such weakness, but it was necessary. Beth was in the kitchen, flipping through some magazine. She barely looked up as I passed by. Perfect. The less interaction with her, the better. I had no time for her self-righteous attitude.

Morty and Summer were bickering in the living room over some trivial nonsense. Typical. I kept my distance, avoiding eye contact. I didn't care about their problems or their mundane lives. They were irrelevant. Tools to be used if needed, but otherwise, just background noise.

The garage door was ahead, just a few feet away.

I paused, glancing around. No Rick. Good. He was likely out on one of his chaotic adventures or passed out in his lab, drunk. Either way, it gave me the window I needed.

I stepped into the garage, and the familiar smell of chemicals, metal, and something vaguely burning filled my nostrils. The place was a mess of scattered tools, unfinished projects, and incomprehensible devices. But my eyes were focused on one thing, the shelf where Rick kept his memory storage. A cluster of glowing crystals sat neatly stacked, unassuming yet holding a wealth of knowledge, power, and potential.

I moved quickly, but not too quickly. If any of Rick's security measures triggered, I'd be dead before I could even touch the crystals. I took a breath, considering all possibilities. Rick was paranoid, meticulous. He probably had at least two fail-safes in place. I grabbed a nearby tool, one of Rick's inventions I vaguely recognized from the series, something he had used to disable a trap in one of the episodes.

"Alright, let's see what you're hiding, Rick."

I pressed a few buttons, hoping the limited knowledge I had would work. A soft click sounded, and the faint glow around the shelf dimmed. No alarms, no lasers. I smirked. Jerry wouldn't have figured that out, but I wasn't Jerry.

I reached for one of the crystals, feeling the cool surface beneath my fingers. This was it. I could feel the weight of the possibilities pressing down on me. The power that Rick had, the sheer brilliance that he hoarded like a dragon with gold, was now within my grasp.

But I wasn't foolish. I couldn't take too much at once. If I overreached, if I made too drastic a move, Rick would notice. And I couldn't afford to make any mistakes. I was playing with fire, and Rick was the kind of man who could incinerate you before you even felt the heat.

I slipped the crystal into my pocket, carefully placing it between two small metal objects to dampen any signal it might emit. Just one for now. Small steps. I had time, and I was going to play this smart.

I turned back toward the door, forcing myself into Jerry's sluggish, defeated posture once again. As I shuffled back into the house, I could hear Morty shouting at Summer in the background. Good. They were distracted.

But I wasn't.

I was just getting started.


I haven't still updated the advanced chapters for now, but you can subscribe for free in the meantime.

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