Chapter 9: The Next Move

I sat in the cold silence of K-4529, the remnants of the memory crystals casting faint, dying glows on the workbench. The knowledge they held had already been absorbed into my mind, bit by bit, like drops filling a container that was still half-empty. Even now, with everything I'd taken, it wasn't enough. There was a hunger in me, a realization that no matter how many fragments I stole from Rick T-76A5 or Rick K-4529, I would never have the whole picture.

Rick's greatest memories weren't stored in crystals, they were locked inside his brain. His most dangerous ideas, his best innovations, the depths of his chaotic genius. And if I wanted to truly surpass him, I had to go beyond scavenging the crumbs he left behind. I had to extract the source itself.

The thought should've made my hands shake, but as I stared down at the crystal fragments, I felt nothing but cold, calculated clarity. Fear had no place here. Fear was for the old Jerry, the one Rick could belittle and toy with. That Jerry was dead, and the one who took his place wasn't afraid to step into the fire.

I pulled out a sketchpad and started to scribble down the first designs. I knew what I needed: a neural extractor, something that could slip past the natural defenses of Rick's mind and pull out his thoughts, his memories, without alerting him or frying his brain. The device had to be small, portable, something I could use without drawing attention. More importantly, it had to be precise.

This wasn't just another gadget. It was the key to breaking Rick. To taking everything.


At the Citadel of Ricks, things weren't going smoothly.

"We've scanned over a thousand dimensions, thousands, and still nothing!" One of the senior Ricks leaned over the glowing console, his fists clenched as the holographic displays around him flickered in frustration. "How is a Jerry outsmarting us?"

"It's not just any Jerry," another Rick muttered, rubbing his temples. "He's been outsmarting Ricks. He's been slipping through every scan, every layer of detection."

The Council chamber was filled with the murmurs of agitated Ricks, all struggling to comprehend how one of their most despised, most useless counterparts could have eluded their grasp for this long. The idea of a Jerry outsmarting any Rick was ridiculous enough, but now? Now it was irritating.

They had activated the scanner network weeks ago, combing through the multiverse in search of me. But they hadn't found anything. I'd cloaked K-4529 too well, hidden beneath layers of dimensional shielding that even the Council's tech couldn't penetrate. As far as they were concerned, I had vanished.

But I knew better. I hadn't disappeared, I'd simply stepped out of view, while improving the device continuously.


The blueprint for the neural extractor began to take shape in my mind, the lines flowing smoothly across the page. The core component would be the most difficult, tiny electrodes that could attach to the brain's neural pathways, infiltrating without triggering any alarms. It had to be undetectable, subtle. Rick's brain was a fortress, a network of defenses designed to protect against any external tampering. But every fortress had a weakness.

I started laying out the components, scavenging parts from the wreckage of Rick K-4529's projects. I couldn't afford to rush this. Every piece had to be perfect. If I pulled too hard on Rick's brain, it could cause permanent damage, and I didn't want him dead. Not yet. I needed him alive long enough to steal everything.

As I worked, I felt a rush of excitement. I was building something that would surpass anything Rick had ever imagined. The neural extractor wasn't just a tool, it was a declaration. I was no longer playing by Rick's rules. I was making my own.


In the Citadel, a cold, tense silence had settled over the Council chamber as Evil Morty stepped forward. The gathered Ricks turned their attention to him, their murmurs fading as they waited for him to speak.

"You're all thinking too small," Evil Morty said, his voice low but filled with confidence. "You're chasing Jerry like he's some sort of anomaly you can just sniff out. But you're never going to find him that way."

One of the senior Ricks scoffed, crossing his arms. "What do you suggest, Morty? We've tried everything."

Evil Morty smiled, that same unsettling smirk that had unnerved even the most seasoned of Ricks. "You don't need to find Jerry. You need to follow Rick T-76A5. He's obsessed with tracking Jerry down. Wherever he goes, Jerry's bound to be close by. You're wasting your time trying to track Jerry directly. Let Rick do the work for you."

The other Ricks exchanged uneasy glances. It made sense, in a twisted kind of way. Rick T-76A5 had been hunting me relentlessly, convinced he was closing in. And if they couldn't find me? They could find him. Let Rick lead them right to me.

Evil Morty continued, his smirk deepening. "Once you track Rick, you'll find Jerry. And when you do, don't underestimate him again."


I paused my work, wiping the sweat from my brow. The neural extractor was almost complete. I could feel the hum of energy from the device as I connected the final circuits, its small form gleaming faintly under the dim light of the garage. It was compact, sleek. Designed to be hidden, easily deployed. This was it.

I held the extractor in my hand, feeling the power pulsing within it. It was more than just a machine, it was the culmination of everything I'd learned, everything I'd stolen. If I could get close enough to Rick T-76A5, I could use this to pull his memories straight from his mind. No more scavenging through discarded crystals. No more fragments. I could take it all.

But that wasn't enough. I needed more. I needed to test it. To perfect it. I couldn't afford mistakes, not with the Council closing in.

The scanners might not have found me yet, but I could feel their presence creeping closer. I didn't know exactly what was happening at the Citadel, but I wasn't naïve enough to think I could stay hidden forever. They wouldn't stop. And when Rick T-76A5 finally found me, when he finally stepped into the trap I was setting, I'd be ready.

I glanced at the extractor, its soft hum filling the silent room. The Council could keep scanning. Let them. I wasn't just running anymore. I was preparing. And when the time came, when I finally faced Rick head-on, I wouldn't be afraid.

I was ready to take everything from him. His mind, his knowledge, his power.


Back at the Citadel, the Council of Ricks continued to track Rick T-76A5. His movements were erratic, desperate, but they were patient. He would eventually lead them to me, whether he knew it or not.

Evil Morty watched the data with a quiet smile, his fingers tapping rhythmically against the console. He didn't need to rush. He knew, sooner or later, they'd find me. And when they did? He'd make sure to be there.

But for now, I had the advantage. I was ahead of them all. And by the time they realized what I had become, it would already be too late.


I activated the neural extractor, watching as it pulsed softly in my hand. I wasn't just surviving anymore. I was planning my next move.

Rick would come for me. He'd track me down, convinced he was the one in control. But when he did, I'd be waiting. I'd be ready to take everything from him, just like I'd taken his crystals.

This wasn't his game anymore. It was mine.