Chapter 22: Experiments and Pursuits

Currently the pocket universe novel is winning, so if you want to change it go and vote on Patreon for free.

Anyway I'm happy with the current results.


I stood in the cold, sterile light of my laboratory, the hum of the equipment surrounding me like a constant, reassuring pulse. Each of the holding cells glowed softly, keeping the captured Ricks and Mortys in stasis. They were unconscious now, unaware of the future that awaited them. I paced before them, the neural extractor resting on my desk, ready for use.

This was the moment I had been preparing for.

I had captured the best, the brightest minds. Ricks whose brilliance even the Citadel respected, and Mortys whose unexpected genius had made them dangerous in their own right. And now, they were mine to study, to dissect, to understand.

The base around me, built in Dimension QZ-819, was more than just a fortress. It was a laboratory designed for one thing: the study of intelligence. Every corner was outfitted with tools for experimentation. My mind, enhanced by the knowledge of the dinosaurs, worked faster than I could even keep up with. Plans for their study, ideas for their dissection, theories about how to extract the very essence of their genius swirled in my head like a storm.

But I wasn't reckless. No, I had learned from my previous mistakes. This time, I was ready. I had already begun cloning their genetic material. In the event that one of the subjects died or suffered irreparable damage during experimentation, I would have fresh clones ready. They wouldn't even know what had happened. It would be seamless.

As I walked past the cells, I stopped before Rick C-9829, the one who had fortified himself in that bunker, thinking he could outsmart me. I chuckled softly, remembering how easily I had breached his defenses. His brain would be invaluable in my quest for improvement. His neural architecture, in particular, was unique. I could already feel the excitement building inside me at the thought of what I would learn from him.

Morty E-1372 was next. His resistance had been impressive. Forming alliances, building defensive fortresses, even trying to use his own genius against me. It was all futile, of course, but there was something about the way his mind worked. It was different from the others. There was a hidden spark there, something I intended to extract and understand.

I opened a panel on the side of the lab wall, revealing rows of cloning tubes, each one already holding genetic samples of my captives. The process was perfect. Every detail accounted for. If something went wrong in the experiments, if one of them died or resisted too much, I would simply replace them with their clone and continue.

The hum of the lab filled my ears as I returned to the main terminal. I began reviewing my plans. The neural extractor was prepared, but I wanted to go beyond just studying their minds. I wanted to experiment with their neural pathways, push their brains to the brink, force them to reveal the hidden depths of their genius. It wasn't just about harvesting their intelligence—it was about understanding how to surpass it.

I activated the stasis field for Rick C-9829's cell. His body twitched slightly as the stasis lifted, his mind beginning to stir. I watched, my eyes narrowing in anticipation. Soon, the real work would begin.


I stood at the edge of the Citadel's Council chamber, watching the chaos unfold like a slow-motion train wreck. The Ricks were scrambling, their usual composure shattered by Jerry's recent attacks. I could feel the tension rising, the panic setting in. And I loved it.

This was the perfect opportunity.

I had spent years playing the long game, maneuvering myself into a position of power, waiting for the right moment to strike. And now, with Jerry causing chaos across the multiverse, that moment had arrived. The Ricks were distracted, too busy chasing after a rogue Jerry to notice what was happening under their own noses.

As I watched the Council members argue amongst themselves, I could see the cracks forming. They were divided, unsure of how to handle the situation. Some wanted to send more forces to track down Jerry, while others believed it was best to fortify the Citadel and wait for him to make a mistake. It didn't matter what they chose. They had already lost control.

"Let them fight," I muttered under my breath, a smirk tugging at the corner of my mouth.

In the shadows, I had already begun gathering my own forces. Mortys who had grown tired of the Citadel's oppressive rule, Ricks who saw the flaws in the system but were too afraid to speak out. They were mine now, loyal to me. And soon, the Citadel would be under my control.

But Jerry… Jerry was an interesting wildcard.

I had underestimated him at first. Everyone had. But now, I saw the potential in him. He wasn't just disrupting the multiverse for power or revenge. He was evolving. He was becoming something more, something dangerous. And that made him useful.

For now.

I turned away from the Council chamber, already thinking about my next move. Jerry was playing his own game, and that was fine. But in the end, he would either fall in line or be eliminated.

"Enjoy your moment, Jerry," I whispered to myself, stepping into the shadows. "Because it won't last."


I sat in the cockpit of my ship, staring at the scanner as it picked up faint traces of Jerry's trail. It was weak, barely a blip, but it was something. I took another swig from my flask, the taste of alien liquor burning down my throat. Freakin' Jerry.

He was smarter now. Faster. More dangerous. But he was still Jerry. And I wasn't going to let him get away with this.

"Where the hell are you running to?" I muttered, tapping a few commands into the console. The trail was leading me deeper into uncharted dimensions, places even I hadn't bothered to visit before. It didn't matter. I was getting closer. Every time Jerry opened a portal, every time he made a move, he left a little signature behind. And I was tracking it.

Morty sat beside me, quiet for once, staring out the window with that nervous look he always got when things were about to get messy.

"Rick… do you really think you can stop him?" Morty finally asked, his voice shaking.

"Of course I can stop him, Morty," I replied, my tone annoyed. "He's Jerry. Huhhhp, he might be pulling off some big moves, but at the end of the day, he's still Jerry."

But even as I said it, a part of me knew it wasn't that simple anymore. Jerry wasn't just bumbling his way through the multiverse. He was planning. He had a strategy. And that made him dangerous.

"Besides," I added, leaning back in my seat, "huhhhp, he might be smart now, but he's still outta his league. I've faced way bigger threats than him. I'll catch up eventually."

The ship beeped, signaling another trace of Jerry's energy signature. I grinned.

"See, Morty? I'm already on his tail."



The mission had gone off without a hitch, as usual. The target was neutralized, the timeline corrected, and I was already on my way back to my base. But as I scanned through the multiverse reports, something caught my eye.


I chuckled to myself, leaning back in the pilot seat. Of all the things I expected to see, Jerry causing chaos across the multiverse wasn't one of them. Sure, I'd heard the rumors, seen the reports. But seeing it for myself? That was something else.

"Well, well," I muttered, amused. "Looks like Jerry's finally decided to stop being a joke."

I wasn't worried, not even a little. Jerry might be smart now, might even be causing some real damage, but he was still nothing compared to me. I'd seen plenty of wannabe geniuses rise and fall. Jerry would be no different.

Still, there was something… interesting about all of this. Maybe it was the way the Citadel was panicking, or how Jerry had been so methodical about his targets. It wasn't random. It was deliberate.

But that's what made it funny. Jerry thinking he could play in the big leagues. Thinking he could outsmart the multiverse.

"Guess I'll have to pay him a visit one of these days," I said with a smirk. "Just to remind him where he stands."

For now, though, I had other things to focus on. Jerry would either burn himself out or get caught eventually. And if he didn't?

Well, that's when the real fun would begin.


Jerry was ready to begin his experiments, and across the multiverse, others were closing in. But the game was far from over.