Chapter 23: Extracting Genius

The hum of the lab's equipment resonated softly as I stood before the stasis cells, each one containing a Rick or Morty who had once believed they were untouchable. Not anymore. Today, I was going to extract the intelligence that had made them valuable, dissect it, understand it, and make it mine. Their genius would become the foundation for something greater, something they could never achieve on their own.

I stepped up to Rick C-9829's cell and deactivated the stasis field, watching as his body slowly regained consciousness. His eyes fluttered open, disoriented, blinking at the harsh fluorescent lights of my lab. Confusion quickly gave way to recognition, and then, panic.

"Wha, where am I?" he demanded, trying to move but finding himself restrained.

I tilted my head slightly, studying him like a curious specimen. His mind was working faster now, calculating possibilities, weighing the odds of escape, and trying to understand how someone like me had outmaneuvered him. I could see it in his eyes, the disbelief.

"Relax," I said coldly. "You're exactly where I want you to be."

His gaze darted around the room, taking in the sterile environment, the rows of equipment, and the other captives in stasis. The realization dawned on him, and I could see the fear beginning to bubble beneath his defiant exterior. That fear would fuel his desperation, but it wouldn't save him.

I activated the neural extractor, watching as the device came to life with a soft hum. Electrodes latched onto Rick C-9829's temples, his body tensing as the machine connected to his mind. He winced but couldn't do anything to resist.

"You're the first," I said, watching the data pour in. His thoughts, memories, and processes streamed into the extractor, feeding directly into my database. "I've been looking forward to this."

Rick grunted, trying to focus through the neural disruption. "You think you can just take… what's in my head?" He strained, the muscles in his neck tightening. "You can't comprehend… what I know."

I smirked. "We'll see about that."

The data flow increased, filling my mind with flashes of insight, fragments of complex equations, and intricate AI systems. I could feel it, the way his brain processed information differently, the nonlinear pathways he used to break through problems. His work with AI was groundbreaking, even for a Rick. And now, it was mine.

Every layer of his genius was being laid bare, dissected and cataloged by my enhanced brain. I absorbed it all, faster than I ever could have before. The pieces of his knowledge fit together like a puzzle, each one connecting to form a larger picture. His work on neural networks, machine learning, and AI algorithms was the key to advancing my own systems, and I already knew how I would use it.

When the process was complete, Rick slumped forward, his body going limp as the extractor disengaged. I deactivated the neural connections, stepping back as his body was returned to stasis.

One down.

I moved to the next cell, where Morty E-1372 awaited. His mind had always fascinated me, even before I captured him. Mortys weren't known for their brilliance, but this one had something special. His intelligence was erratic, unpredictable, but that's what made him valuable. He thought differently than the Ricks, more creatively, more instinctively.

I deactivated his stasis field, watching as his eyes snapped open. Unlike Rick C-9829, there was no confusion, only raw, unfiltered fear. Morty struggled against the restraints, panic setting in as he realized where he was.

"No… no, no, no…" Morty's voice trembled. "This can't be happening. I can't be here."

"Oh, you are," I said, stepping closer. "And you're going to help me understand what makes your mind tick."

He jerked his head toward me, eyes wide with desperation. "You don't need me. You've got Ricks… why not just… just let me go?"

I chuckled softly. "Because you're different, Morty. Your mind works in ways the Ricks can't. And I'm going to figure out why."

The neural extractor latched onto his temples, and Morty cried out, the pain coursing through him as the device began pulling data from his brain. He struggled, his body jerking in the restraints, but it was futile. The process was already in motion.

Morty's mind was chaotic, full of emotional intensity and erratic bursts of creativity. His thought patterns didn't follow the same structured logic as the Ricks. Where they saw problems and calculated solutions, Morty's brain jumped between possibilities, driven by instinct and survival. It was fascinating, and I knew that understanding his mind would give me the edge I needed to think in ways no one else could.

As the data streamed in, I saw flashes of his past, moments of fear and desperation that had pushed him to think outside the box. His ability to adapt in high-pressure situations, to find unconventional solutions, was something even the Ricks couldn't replicate. And now, it was mine.

I felt the rush of his intelligence merging with mine, expanding my ability to think in new directions. With every passing second, my mind grew sharper, faster, more capable. I could already feel the benefits of combining Morty's creativity with the raw logic of the Ricks.

When the extraction was complete, Morty slumped in his chair, his mind drained. He was returned to stasis, just like the others.

I moved from one cell to the next, each Rick and Morty offering something different. Rick B-4521's knowledge of time manipulation gave me insights into temporal theory that would allow me to control time itself, bending it to my will. Morty X-6120's expertise in dimensional theory expanded my understanding of alternate realities, giving me the tools I needed to navigate them with ease.

As I absorbed their knowledge, my mind continued to evolve. I was no longer constrained by the limits of human intelligence. I was becoming something more.

But this was just the beginning.

With the data I had gathered, I returned to the central console and began working on the preliminary blueprint for my serum. The idea had been forming in my mind for weeks, but now, with the combined intelligence of the Ricks and Mortys, I could see the path clearly. This serum wouldn't just enhance my body, it would transform me into the pinnacle of biological evolution.

The materials I had gathered from across the multiverse, the Mycelium Synthite, Orginum Crystals, and Zenthalium Alloy, were already prepared. But now, I saw ways to improve the formula, to push it even further. The AI systems I had extracted from Rick C-9829 would allow me to monitor my biological enhancements in real-time, ensuring a perfect integration of each component.

As I worked, the serum took shape on the holographic display in front of me. It would enhance my strength, durability, speed, intelligence, and lifespan. I would be faster, stronger, and smarter than any Rick could ever hope to be. I would become the progenitor of a new race, one that would surpass the limitations of humanity.

I held the vial of serum in my hand, watching the liquid swirl inside, glowing faintly with an almost ethereal light. This was it, the key to my ascension.

But before I injected myself, there was still more work to be done. The Ricks and Mortys I had captured still had more to offer, and I wasn't finished with them yet. Their minds held the final pieces of the puzzle, and I intended to extract every last bit of their intelligence before moving forward.