Chapter 26: Uneasy Alliance

The Citadel was no longer the chaotic, bustling hub of Ricks and Mortys I remembered. The silent corridors stretched out before me, the once-proud symbol of Ricks superiority now tainted by the unmistakable mark of a single force, Evil Morty. I could feel it in the air, the shift in power, the weight of control pressing down from all directions. It was his Citadel now, no doubt about it.

Morty was tense beside me, his eyes darting around as we moved deeper into the Citadel's core. The halls were eerily quiet, save for the occasional murmurs of the few Mortys who had survived the purge.

"Rick, are you sure this is a good idea?" Morty whispered, his voice shaky.

I grunted. "No, huhhhp, it's not. But we're not here for 'good ideas,' Morty. We're here because Evil Morty's made himself a problem. And I don't let problems fester."

We moved deeper, closer to the command center. Evil Morty had set up his base of operations there, using it as his control room to oversee his new reign. And I was going to end it before it got out of hand.

The massive doors slid open, revealing the Citadel's nerve center. And there he was, sitting in the council's former seat like he owned the place. Evil Morty glanced up from the display, his eyes narrowing as they met mine.

"Rick," he greeted, voice calm, but with that usual smugness he always carried. "You came."

I didn't waste time. "You think you can just walk in here, take over the Citadel, huhhhp, and everything's gonna be sunshine and rainbows, huh? You forget who runs this multiverse?"

Evil Morty smirked, leaning back. "Oh, I haven't forgotten. But clearly, you have. The Citadel isn't yours anymore, Rick. It's mine. And no amount of bravado or old tricks is going to change that."

Morty shifted uneasily behind me, but I didn't blink. I stepped forward, my hand twitching toward my wrist device. "You've got some nerve. But taking over the Citadel is only gonna paint a bigger target on your back. You know that, right?"

Evil Morty's smirk didn't waver. "I don't care about the Citadel, Rick. I care about changing the game. And right now, I'm doing exactly that."

I clenched my fists. "You don't understand, huhhhp, Jerry's out there, turning himself into a freakin' superbeing. And while you're busy playing king of the sandbox, huhhhp, he's evolving into something none of us can predict."

"Jerry's not my problem," Evil Morty said coldly. "He's yours."

I stepped forward, ready to confront him head-on. The tension in the room spiked as we locked eyes, both of us ready to take the fight to the next level. My finger hovered over the button that would unleash a barrage of attacks, and I knew that Evil Morty was just as prepared.

But then, out of nowhere, Morty stepped between us.

"Stop!" Morty shouted, holding his hands up to both of us. "Rick, Evil Morty… what the hell are you guys doing? We have a common enemy! Why are you fighting each other when Jerry's out there? He's the real problem!"

Both of us froze for a moment, Morty's words sinking in. I looked over at Evil Morty, who seemed to be considering what Morty had said as well. There was no denying it. Jerry had become the real threat, not this pointless squabble over the Citadel.

Evil Morty's eyes flicked to mine, and for a second, I saw the gears turning in his head. I could feel it too. Morty was right. If we kept fighting each other, Jerry would grow stronger, unchecked, and eventually become a force none of us could stop. Alone, we had power. But together?

Evil Morty crossed his arms, his expression hardening. "You're suggesting an alliance, Morty?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Huhhhp, it's not like I want to. But, huhhhp, Morty's got a point. Jerry's gone off the deep end, and if we don't stop him, huhhhp, none of this is gonna matter. Not the Citadel. Not you. Not me."

Evil Morty was quiet for a moment, weighing his options. I could tell he didn't like the idea of working with me any more than I did with him. But logic dictated that this was the only way.

He finally sighed. "Fine. A temporary alliance. We take down Jerry, and after that, we settle our differences."

I nodded. "Huhhhp, deal."

Morty let out a relieved breath, stepping back as the tension in the room lifted. The uneasy alliance was forged, not out of trust or friendship, but necessity. Jerry had changed the rules of the game, and if we didn't act, he'd win.

"Let's move, huhhhp, we've got work to do."


I watched the whole scene unfold from the safety of a hidden camera I'd left in the Citadel before all this madness began. Rick C-137, Evil Morty, and a shaky Morty had just formed the most fragile alliance I'd ever seen. And it was glorious.

I smirked, leaning back in my chair, taking a sip from my flask. "Well, well, well… this is getting interesting."

Jerry. Of all the people who could turn the multiverse on its head, I never expected it to be him. But watching Rick and Evil Morty squirm, watching them realize that Jerry had outmaneuvered them… priceless.

But that's the thing. Jerry had his plans, Rick had his plans, and Evil Morty had his plans. And me? Well, I was in no rush. I'd been watching the multiverse for a long time, and right now, the pieces were all falling into place exactly as they needed to.

"Let's see how this plays out," I muttered, flipping the screen to another view of the Citadel, watching as Rick and Evil Morty left the council room together.

I wasn't about to get involved yet. Not until the moment was right. But when the time came, oh, I'd be there. Watching. Waiting.

And when it all falls apart? I'd be the one left standing.

"Good luck, Jerry," I chuckled to myself. "You're gonna need it."


Yo guys, I'm gonna be sincere, the end of this arc didn't satisfy me enough so i decided to post all of the chapters and and hear your advice about it.

Should i change it? Or it's good?