Chapter 28: The Awakening

The void of space stretched endlessly before me, as I scoured the multiverse, sifting through trillions of realities. The Citadel was behind me, and my former base, once a sanctuary of research and experimentation, was no longer viable. Rick had found it, and that alone meant it was tainted. No matter how fortified it was, no matter how many traps I had laid, it was useless now.

I needed something new.

I had spent weeks, perhaps even months, running through the multiverse, searching for a place untouched by the chaos that plagued it. A universe outside the radar of the Citadel, of Rick, of Evil Morty, of anyone, really. The multiverse is vast, far beyond the comprehension of even the greatest minds, but I had become something different, something more. And now, my mind worked like a finely-tuned machine, rapidly narrowing down the parameters for what I needed.

My fingers flew across the control panel as I discarded universe after universe. Too unstable. Too dangerous. Too close to the Citadel's influence. I needed a place that was completely off the grid, where the multiverse's tendrils hadn't sunk their claws.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I found it.

Dimension PR-357.

The records were sparse, almost non-existent, which was exactly what I had hoped for. A universe so insignificant, so devoid of interdimensional interference, that it had been overlooked by everyone. There were no Ricks, no Mortys, no Jerrys, no interdimensional travelers wreaking havoc. It was a normal universe, the kind that existed in complete isolation from the madness that surrounded it.

I pulled up the readings, scanning the universe carefully. Earth existed there, just as it did in countless other dimensions. But this Earth was different. The people there lived mundane, ordinary lives. No portal guns, no technology beyond their time, no knowledge of the multiverse or the chaos that swirled outside their borders. It was untouched, a blank canvas.

It was perfect.

With a few final adjustments, I set a course for Dimension PR-357. The ship hummed as it powered up, preparing for the journey. I leaned back in my chair, satisfied. This would be my new base of operations, a place where I could build something entirely new. Something free of the interference of Ricks and Mortys.

The ship slipped into the dimensional fold, cutting through the fabric of the multiverse like a blade. The journey was seamless, taking mere moments as we breached the borders of PR-357. The moment we arrived, I could feel it. The quiet. The calm. There were no signatures here, no traces of interdimensional technology, no beacons or anomalies that could be tracked by the Citadel or anyone else.

It was as if I had stepped into a forgotten corner of existence, a place where the multiverse's influence had never touched.

I hovered above the Earth, my ship cloaked in orbit, watching the world below. It was identical to the Earth I had left behind, at least in appearance. The same continents, the same oceans, the same atmosphere. But there was something peaceful about it, something serene. These people had no idea what existed beyond their own skies. They were blissfully unaware of the wars, the chaos, the struggle for power that consumed the rest of the multiverse.

And that's what made them perfect.

I brought up the control panel, finalizing the details of my plan. I wasn't here to dominate them outright, to impose my will with force. No, that wasn't necessary. I had something far more subtle in mind. I had evolved into something greater, and now, it was time to spread that evolution to others. Slowly, methodically, I would guide this Earth to ascend to the next level of existence.

But they wouldn't even know it was happening.

With the ship hovering in orbit, I initiated the next phase. I had designed a system, a perfect blend of technology, biology, and multiversal energy, that would gradually awaken the people of this Earth. It would manifest as something simple, something they could understand: a 'system.' A series of challenges and rewards that would push them to evolve, step by step, toward becoming like me, the Primoris Sapiens.

The system would appear to them as a game at first, something fun, something challenging. But as they grew stronger, smarter, more capable, they would slowly realize the truth. They were evolving. They were becoming something greater.

And I would be there to control every step of their progress.

I brought up the final command, activating the system. A web of invisible energy spread out from the ship, wrapping itself around the planet like a blanket. It was subtle, undetectable, but it would soon begin to integrate into their lives, altering the very fabric of their reality. The system would present itself to them as a gift, but in truth, it was a leash. They would grow stronger, but they would never surpass me. I had made sure of that.

As the energy web spread across the Earth, I watched from above, a satisfied smirk playing on my lips. The humans below had no idea what was happening, no idea that their world had just changed forever.

I set the ship into autopilot, allowing it to maintain its cloaked position above the Earth. There was nothing left for me to do now but wait. The system would take care of the rest.


One Month Later

The streets of New York bustled with life as people went about their daily routines. Cars honked in the distance, the faint hum of city life filling the air as pedestrians rushed to and from their destinations. For most, it was just another day.

Tom Carter was one of those people. Another ordinary man in an ordinary world, caught up in the mundanity of life. He adjusted his tie as he walked down the street, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of work and the bills that needed paying. Life was simple, repetitive, but it was predictable. And that was something he appreciated.

He took his usual route through the park, his mind drifting as he scrolled through his phone. Nothing exciting in the news today. Just the same old political drama, sports updates, and celebrity scandals.

As he walked, something strange happened. His vision blurred for a split second, and when it cleared, a panel appeared before his eyes. A translucent screen floating in midair, glowing softly with an ethereal light.

Tom blinked, startled. He reached out instinctively, but his hand passed through the screen as though it wasn't really there.

"What the…?" he muttered, looking around. No one else seemed to notice. People walked by, completely unaware of the strange panel in front of him. He looked back at the screen, and his heart skipped a beat as words appeared, glowing softly.

[Congratulations! The Earth has awakened!]

He stared at the words, confusion swirling in his mind. Awakened? What did that mean? He looked around again, but no one else seemed to notice. It was as if this screen, this message, was meant just for him. But that didn't make any sense.

Then, more words appeared.

[Welcome to the System. Your journey begins now.]

Tom's heart raced. A system? Journey? What was this? Was it some kind of elaborate prank? But even as he thought that, he could feel something… different. There was a strange warmth spreading through his body, like energy coursing through his veins. His mind raced, trying to make sense of what was happening.

Before he could process it, another message appeared.

[Task: Begin your first challenge. Complete it to gain access to new abilities.]

Abilities? Tasks? This was crazy. He looked around, hoping for some kind of explanation, but the world around him remained unchanged. People went about their business, oblivious to the fact that everything had just changed.

Tom swallowed hard, his pulse quickening. He didn't know what was happening, but one thing was clear: life as he knew it was no longer the same.

And somehow, deep down, he knew that this was just the beginning.


End of the first arc. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to wrap this up and plan the next steps, and ultimately, I chose this direction. Now, we'll see if it was the right call.

My team and I are already gearing up to start working on the next arc. If you want to stay updated on our progress, consider subscribing as a free member on Patreon for all the latest news and updates!

Thank you all for your continued support!


This at the top was the old message, but after taking two weeks thinking, i kinda want to change it, advice?