Puzzle Pieces.

"Who are you?" Aurora demanded, her voice low but firm as she braced herself for a fight. The figure before her was clearly a man, his form giving away. When he pulled away the coverings from his face, her eyes widened in disbelief. 

"Dorian!? What are you doing here—how—?" 

"I need your help," he interrupted, his voice urgent, his blue eyes alight with a strange worry. 

"What do you—" Aurora began, but stopped, her gaze darting nervously about the corridor. "Wait, let us leave this place before anyone sees you." She cast another glance behind her, then grabbed his arm and hurried him along. 

They stopped at a storage room tucked away from prying eyes. Aurora pulled the door open and stepped inside, dragging Dorian in after her. She quickly shut the door, turning the latch with care before facing him again.