Ch 25: End of the test - part 1

The unnamed kid tried to break into Layla's camp, but the barrier prevented him from crossing.

Meanwhile, the monster headed toward the duo as fast as possible, and Layla concluded it would be in striking range in about ten minutes.

'Tsk, I need to survive six more hours in this mess. Ugh, I might as well plan to kill that monster now.'

Layla did not want to use any of her trump cards, and there were two reasons for it.

First, she did not want to show off her power since it would come in handy as a surprise later.

And second, she feared that she would damage her core if she showed off too much power. 

Her body was young, and she had not stabilized her powers yet. To force them out of her body like this would be a nightmare for Layla's core.

'Tsk, but do I even have a choice? This kid had doomed us.'

"R-Run! It's here! Run now."

The kid yelled as he looked back.

Since he had been running away from the monster for a whole day, he had become more than aware of where the beast was and how quickly it would catch up to her.

Layla picked up the egg and put it into her special storage.

She did not put it in her inventory because she did not want to risk never seeing the light of day.

After all, if she died, there was no knowing what would happen to her inventory. And Layla was not pessimistic or anything, but the possibility of her dying right here and now was quite high.

'I need help. What is a place that this monster would fear? Fire? No, that will be too dangerous. Rocks? I don't think it would work…then, water? Yeah, that could work.'

Layla's memory was working overtime, and she quickly remembered that there was one place with a powerful monster she could take advantage of, and that was where the second stone was.

She had ignored that place precisely because she did not think she could take on the monster in the lake.

But now that her life was in danger, it was a venture worth exploring.

"Ugh, y-you want us to go to the lake? But, we will get trapped. There is no way to go once we reach the lake and-"

"Just run toward the lake. We are dead either way, so we might as well try and drown this bug."

Layla yelled as she took the lead.

The monster followed them, and Layla gestured for the other kid to climb up the tree leaves directly over the lake to get the monster as close to the lake as possible.

The unnamed kid looked hesitant, but then he decided to trust Layla. 

She might be six, but she had survived this long after all. He knew she would not die that easily, and if he followed her lead, he would survive.

The demon approached the lake to check on its prey. It yelled loudly when it noticed the kid was out of reach.

But the demon was not about to give up. It looked around to find another way, and Layla used that opportunity to shake up the ground beneath the lake and that bug demon.

It caused the monster to lose its balance and fall toward water.

In a second, a giant head came out and bit the demon's head off. It happened so fast that no one could do anything but blink. 

Layla stiffened up in fear, but she forced her legs to move and gestured to the unnamed kid, saying that he needed to get out of the tree quickly.

The lake demon had not noticed Layla or the unnamed kid, but there was no telling what it would do if it noticed the pair.

Finally, after an eternity, the unnamed kid came down from the branch and sighed.

"Y-You saved me! I will never forget this favor! I will forever be grateful to you, Layla. If you need anything, let me know."

The kid spoke with a deadly pale face. But he looked determined to serve Layla.

"'I don't want you or need your help. Just leave me alone. I don't want more burdens on my shoulders. If you want to die, then do it somewhere where I won't have to see."

Layla's words were sharp and cutting, but it made the other kid smile brightly at her.

She made sure that this kid knew to cut ties with her, but Layla's words sounded different to the kid.

'Ah, I got Layla all wrong. Henry said that she is a kid who does not care about anyone but herself, which is untrue. Layla chose to stay away because she cares too much about those she is close with. She even saved a stranger like me…'

With a small action, this huge misunderstanding was created. But no one spoke about it anymore, and the topic was dropped.

The sun rose in the sky, and Layla looked at the time. There were only two hours left before this test would be over, and she was ready to crash and sleep in her bed as soon as she could.

Her tired body was already swinging, and she looked forward to sleeping even more. Her body was beginning to ache.

Those two last hours felt like they were stretching and going on forever. Everyone (including Layla) sighed as the siren rang, saying the test was over.

Slowly, kids began to return to the safety zone where a barrier had been cast for safety.

Layla had a hard time walking because she was tired, but she did make it into the safety area somehow (mostly dragged there by the kid she had saved. He had introduced himself as Kyle)

"Congratulations to Everyone who made it back! You have passed the test. Your results will be sent to you shortly, along with a list of the eligible places where you can apply for an internship."