Ch 41: Catching some rats - part 1

"Oi, are you sure that you want to do this tonight? That miss had a guardian with her. Did you not see the glare her guardian leveled us with? I thought I was going to die!"

One of the slave traders complained as he shivered. He still remembered the maid's glare and how it froze him in place.

He had not been able to move an inch after a good while.

"Don't worry! I know people like her quite well. She is all talk and no bite. Maids like her are taught to look intimidating so that no one approaches their charge, but it is superficial.

Besides, I saw the maid head down to get dinner for the child. We will not get a better opportunity to grab that child and get away. And it's a noble child at that. She will fetch a great price on the market."

The slave trader almost salivated at the thought of getting more money for his catch of the day. 

He had been in this business for a decade and had gotten used to gauging a slave's worth.