Ch 56: The kidnapping - part 3

The loud noise would have been enough to wake the whole neighborhood, but no one was left in this section anymore except the three people in the room.

"Get up! Boys cuff the kids and Sally. I will take Sally while you get these kids to the auction hall. They will fetch a nice price for their beautiful young faces."

The bulky man spoke with a greedy voice.

He mainly looked at Layla when he said that, considering her unique hair and eye color.

Silver hair was in demand as slaves; a female child like her would go for a lot. On the other hand, Liam was not as profitable, but he would be a fun challenger for a master to break.

It was a business where anyone could sell if they tried enough. 

"What are you doing? Why come after me? I helped you out. And where is the father? You promised you would tell me if I helped you enough."

Liam asked in a scared voice. He wanted to know, but he also wanted to survive.