Ch 126: The best timing - Part 1


A huge tail crashed into the ceiling, making it cave in, and the debris fell everywhere. It would have taken anyone who was inside the cave as a result of this.

But since the people there had already snuck out, it did not injure anyone. The only loss was the loss of material held in the room.

"W-We managed to get out in time! Thank god! I was so sure we were going to be buried alive in there."

Topper #1 spoke softly as he clutched his fast-beating heart. It was beating too fast for his liking.

He was terrified to think about an alternate future where he had never left that place in time. He would have been buried under all that rubble as well.

"We don't have time to be thinking about it. Let's head out now. That is not the only monster we must worry about in this place."

Layla spoke softly so that her voice would not attract more pests, but her heart was beating louder and louder in her chest.