Ch 132: The worthy Sacrifice - Part 2

'H-Huh? Why did I do it? What can I do now? Shit! I did not mean to hurt the first-class professor-!'

The professor panicked as his hand moved on his own. He had gotten so angry hearing the first-class professor say all this that his hand had moved on his own, and he ended up smacking the dragon before him.

The lizard looked back at him with an annoyed face, but it looked unharmed for the most part.

"I will forgive you this time since you are young and ignorant. I will not take the same insult twice, so you better be careful."

It was a warning for the professor to stay in his lane, and the professor did that quickly. He backed away and withdrew into his shell. 

If he could not even look up to the first-class magician and his experience, he did not know what else to look up to and make his purpose in life.