Ch 148: Please, Cooperate with us - Part 1

Raziel was not one to curse very often.

Since he did not like to speak, most of his words never saw the light of the day. But to see such a person swear like this was new and refreshing.

Layla was startled enough to focus most of her attention on Raziel instead of what was happening in front of her.

Even Mary turned her attention to the divine magic user and chuckled at his astonishment.

"Well, it was easy to tell that something was going on in that village, but since the curse was not active when we were there, we all missed it.

But seeing it from here sure is something. I can tell that the curse is neither spreading nor lethal. It's as if someone is trying to scare these people by doing all this. I doubt that curse has been there for long."

Layla somewhat understood what Mary was trying to say.

The older a curse was, the eviler its energy was. But the curse Layla was looking at hardly ever gave off any.