Ch 165: The best possible way - Part 1

I'll do as you say! I will spend time and effort making sure things happen in order. Please, do not end my life."

The dwarf begged. His life flashed before his eyes as he came face-to-face with his invention. He realized that he had no way out of this situation unless he begged the female to spare his life.

Layla acted fast, and Mary's instincts were even faster.

"Mary, it's fine! We have a contract, and I intend to use Erwin until I squeeze him dry. Since he's made a mistake, he must pay for it in his way."

Layla assured, and Mary made a pouting face to show that she was not happy. But the female did back down after giving the dwarf one last look of contempt.

"Fine! I will do as young miss orders. But you had better squeeze him dry and leave him out to hang after that. I do not want to see this bastard in my life again."

Mary spoke firmly before she put her axe away. Her actions made the dwarf sigh in relief at being spared.