Ch 191: A request for help - Part 1

The air inside the temple felt frigid, andmade Layla feel likes walking into a forbidden place.

She could see that the street was filled with people of all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities, but she could not believe that this place was real.

The magic connecting her to the dragon told her that this place was false and that she should not get her hopes up by interacting with these people and getting close to them.

"Esteemed guest, would you like to wait for our master in our study? It would be a better place for you and your partner to rest. Please, follow me and keep your partner happy."

The people, no, these illusions flinched when Luna growled at them to stay back. None of these people tried to get close to Layla when she had that dragon with her.

What disturbed her was the morbid fascination in these people's eyes when they looked at Luna. it was not a healthy way for someone to look at another creature.