Ch 194: A wealthy customer - Part 2

The news of Layla staying in the inn spread like wildfire. People knew that someone with a lot of money was steering into the local 'luxury' inn and had brought the whole place out.

It made people feel envious, and a lot of them decided to rob her and take her things away. 

The inn owner heard all these rumors and was afraid that her inn would suffer greatly because of what was about to happen soon.

She did not have enough power or resources to stop these people. The only thing she could do was try her luck before these people came and robbed her customer.

That way, she would be safe and rich, even after what was about to happen. And none of the rumors would hurt her long-term.

'My customer also looks like she has a hefty bank account. I should get her to sign me as a benefactor so I can keep using her funds. It won't be difficult to get someone like her to sign some papers under the guise of them being a condition of staying at my inn.'