Ch 213: The Attack - Part 3

Layla wanted to take her time to think this through, but she did not have time. As soon as she felt the earth vibrating under her feet, she knew the creature was back to attack them.

"We should spread out. The creature would be forced to go after one of us while the other two could attack it. We should try to capture it before we draw any conclusions."

Layla pointed out, and the pair in front of her looked unhappy for different reasons.

Rosette was the first to voice her disagreement, and her face looked blank but annoyed.

"Not! It's not only dangerous to do but foolish as well. What if that creature decides that it wants to go after you? I don't like this idea…what is so amusing about it?"

Layla reached out toward her face, only to notice that her lips were turned into a small smile. She had not even seen this until now.