Ch 220: Don't do that - Part 1

Blood splattered around Layla as she ended the life of the first monster. But she was unsatisfied with her hunt and moved on from this one to the other monsters. 

Armed with a small knife that cut through these monsters like butter, Layla cleared out the first area before she looked behind to take a look at the noble and his aid.

"What happened? Did you change your mind and decide not to help out any longer? Don't worry! I won't likely need your help in the first place."

Layla promised, and Luna growled swiftly toward her side to tell her that another demon wanted to attack her.

Not one to waste time, Layla turned toward that direction and seemingly hit the air. As soon as she threw her punch, she felt her hand connecting with something solid before a dead body lay at her feet with its mouth hanging open.