Ch 226: Dire Help Needed - Part 2

The kid near Layla acted like a wild beast that did not know what it was doing and could not bring itself to trust her fully.

It made the Chimera feel adorable but deadly at the same time. A single wrong move and Layla knew that her life would end at this chimera's hand. She was not ready to have her head chewed.

"Hey, listen carefully to me. I know you have more than enough emotional intelligence to understand me. From now on, your name will be Roma, and you will respond to that name. Do I make myself clear?"

Layla asked tensely, and the kid in front of her pretended he could not hear her words. She could feel his ear being turned to the side, and the illusion looked like it was not paying any attention.

However, Layla noticed how the kid turned his eyes toward Layla just enough to tell her that he was watching her and listening to her talk.
