Ch 230: Do you feel bothered - Part 2

Layla looked at the familiar walls around her as she walked to the guest room, mostly left unattended. She could feel the maids looking at her curiously, but no one approached her.

It was reminiscent of her past when no one liked her and approached her. But unlike others, Layla had never felt bothered by it all.

Instead of paying attention to it, she turned to look at her guard with a curious expression.

"What do you think about this place and Henry? Do you feel like he is also a fool for holding on to this place, despite knowing that it is useless and he will never be able to get what he wants from it?"

Layla asked her guard, mainly because she wanted to know his opinion. But a part of her was sure that this question would reveal her guard's identity, and she felt excited to learn.

Her guard looked cautious, but he also decided to answer her.