269: Battle for the Maiden - Part 1

By the time Layla and her companions had spent just a few days in Verdeti, her reputation as the "Ice Queen" had spread like wildfire. Everywhere she went, she could feel curious eyes following her. 

Whispers trailed her in the streets and inns, and her serene demeanor only seemed to add fuel to the intrigue. At first, Layla ignored the attention, chalking it up to Verdeti's love for gossip and drama.

However, as time went on, the fascination with her took a more direct turn. Strangers would approach her boldly, striking up conversations that ranged from flirtatious to outright propositions. 

Shopkeepers would linger unnecessarily when serving her, and inn patrons would "accidentally" bump into her in the hallways, eager for a chance to speak with her.

What irritated Layla the most were the men—and occasionally women—who would corner her under the guise of innocent questions only to segue into thinly veiled attempts to spend more time with her.