The dawn of a new day in Verdeti was accompanied by a flurry of whispers and wild speculation. Layla had barely finished her morning tea when Mary walked into the common room, holding a crumpled piece of parchment and wearing an amused smirk.
"Have you seen this?" Mary asked, tossing the parchment onto the table in front of Layla.
Raziel leaned over to read it aloud. "'Mysterious dragon sighted in the alleyways of Verdeti. Citizens claim to have seen a powerful beast commanded by a silver-haired woman. Attempts to capture or tame the creature underway.'" He raised an eyebrow at Layla. "Well, I think we know who the silver-haired woman is."
Layla pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "I was trying to avoid attention, not invite the entire town to form a mob."