Chapter 13

Harry woke up, same as usual, with the early morning chill biting at his skin. He got up, threw on his shorts, and headed for the Black Lake. The cold slap of water was the perfect way to shake off the cobwebs and clear his head, but today, it wasn't just the water waiting for him. As he got closer to the shore, he noticed them—more girls than yesterday, clustered around like vultures, their eyes glued to him like he was a piece of meat on display.

He could feel their stares, all of them waiting for him to strip down, desperate to get a look at his body. He couldn't help the irritation bubbling up inside him. It wasn't even the attention—he liked showing off—but he wasn't here for them. He was here to push himself, not put on a show. Still, he went through the motions, yanking his shirt over his head and wading into the freezing water. As his muscles tensed against the cold, he heard the whispers, the gasps. Yeah, he knew exactly what they were looking at.

Diving in, Harry tried to focus on the cold. It usually helped him forget about everything else. The shock of the water was sharp, but no matter how hard he swam, he could still feel those fucking eyes on him. It made his skin crawl, like he couldn't escape their damn gazes. When he climbed out, water dripping down his chest and abs, their soft little giggles pissed him off even more.

He stomped to his usual rock, sitting down and trying to ignore them, his body still damp, muscles stiffening from the cold. Closing his eyes, Harry tried to meditate, tried to block out the world and just focus on his breathing, but every second felt like another set of eyes on him. He gritted his teeth, letting out a frustrated sigh. This was getting ridiculous. He couldn't even get a moment of peace anymore.

Harry was tempted to tell them all to fuck off, but instead, he stood up and headed to the baths, hoping Lavender would be waiting for him like usual. She always knew how to take the edge off.

When he opened the door, though, it wasn't just Lavender. Hermione was there too, both of them standing there, towels barely clinging to their bodies. They smiled at him, eyes full of that familiar hunger, and Harry grinned to himself. Of course. Why wouldn't they both be here, eager and ready?

"Think we can all bathe together this time?" Lavender asked, a coy smile playing on her lips, her towel slipping just enough to give him a good look.

Harry's grin widened. "Yeah, let's do it," he said, dropping his towel without a second thought. He didn't bother pretending to be shy or play nice—these two were already hooked on him, addicted to what he had, and they sure as hell weren't going to tell anyone about it.

He stepped forward, his hands going straight for their tits, squeezing hard, pulling them close until they were pressed against him. Both girls gasped, their eyes wide, but they didn't pull away. They wanted this.

Harry shoved them back against the wall, their wet bodies sliding against the tile as he pressed himself between them, his cock already rock hard from the anticipation. He yanked their towels away, tossing them to the floor. The steam from the bath swirled around them, but Harry's focus was laser sharp, his hands rough as he grabbed Hermione's ass with one hand, while his other hand squeezed Lavender's tits.

He leaned in close, his breath hot against their ears. "I know what this cock is for now," he growled, his voice thick with desire. "And I fucking love it."

Hermione's breath caught in her throat, her whole body tensing against him, while Lavender let out a soft, desperate moan, already pressing her hips into him, wanting more. Harry didn't waste any time. He spun Hermione around, pushing her face-first against the cold tile, her bare ass sticking out, just waiting for him.

Harry grabbed her hips, pulling her back into him, and without hesitation, he slid into her, his cock buried deep inside her in one quick thrust. Hermione gasped, her hands splayed against the wall, her body shaking.

Meanwhile, his other hand worked its way between Lavender's legs, his fingers slipping between her slick folds, teasing her until she was writhing under his touch. She whimpered, her body trembling, her breath coming in short, needy gasps as Harry worked both of them at once.

He leaned forward, his lips brushing against Hermione's ear as he thrust into her again. "Shut up, Hermione. Don't let anyone hear you," he growled, his hand coming up to cover her mouth. Her muffled moans were music to his ears as he kept up his pace, every thrust pushing her closer and closer to the edge.

It didn't take long before Hermione's whole body tensed, her legs shaking as she came hard, her muffled cries echoing in the small room. Harry didn't stop until she was completely spent, her knees buckling as she collapsed against the wall.

But he wasn't done. Not even close.

Harry turned to Lavender, her eyes dark with lust, her body practically begging for him. He grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head against the wall, his body pressed up against hers. The heat between them was almost unbearable as the water from the shower cascaded over them, mixing with the sweat on their skin.

He kissed her hard, biting at her lower lip as he lifted one of her legs, positioning himself at her entrance. Without any hesitation, he slammed into her, the sound of skin against skin filling the room as he thrust into her again and again. Lavender's head fell back, her mouth hanging open in a silent scream as he took her, rough and relentless.

Harry alternated between kissing her mouth and biting her nipples, his teeth grazing her sensitive skin as he fucked her. Her moans grew louder, her body shaking as she came hard, but Harry didn't stop. He kept going, his grip on her wrists tightening as he used her for his own pleasure, not caring if she was too sensitive, not caring if she could barely stand. He wanted to finish, and that's all that mattered.

Finally, with one last hard thrust, Harry groaned, spilling himself inside her. He pulled out slowly, watching as Lavender's legs gave way, her body sliding down the wall as she panted, completely wrecked.

Later, as Harry made his way to classes, he purposely avoided Lavender and Hermione, giving them no chance to follow him around like they usually did. He needed a break. Today was about getting back to normal, even if just for a little while.

He spotted Ron in the Great Hall, stuffing his face with breakfast, and made his way over to him, sitting down with a sigh.

"Finally had time for me, eh, Harry?" Ron said, his voice thick with sarcasm, barely glancing up from his plate.

Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, sorry, mate. Didn't expect Hogwarts to be so... full-on," he muttered, half-grinning.

Ron snorted. "Tell me about it. Snape's got me writing essays like I'm his personal scribe. Bloody nightmare."

Harry grinned, glad to have a normal conversation again, even if it was just whining about homework. It felt good to bitch and moan about something mundane for once.

In Charms, Ron struggled with the levitation spell, his feather stubbornly refusing to move. "How the hell do you make this look so easy?" he grumbled, glaring at his wand.

Harry grinned. "I've got an idea. Why don't you join me tomorrow morning? I'll show you something."

The next morning, Ron stood shivering beside the Black Lake, his eyes half-closed as the cold air hit him like a slap to the face. Harry grinned, knowing what was coming.

Without warning, Harry grabbed the hem of Ron's shirt and yanked it off, the cold biting into Ron's skin instantly.

"What the fuck, Harry?!" Ron yelped, his eyes wide as the cold hit him full force.

Harry just smirked. "We're going for a swim."

"No fucking way! It's freezing!" Ron protested, backing up as fast as he could, but it was too late. Harry shoved him straight into the lake with a laugh.

Ron hit the water with a scream, splashing and flailing as he came up, cursing Harry with every breath. "You bastard!" he shouted, his teeth chattering.

Before Ron could climb out, Harry dove in after him, the cold water hitting him like a punch to the gut. For the next twenty minutes, the two of them splashed and fought in the water, shoving each other under, competing to see who could stay down the longest. They wrestled and dunked each other, the cold forgotten as they laughed like idiots, both of them acting like they hadn't in months.

When they finally dragged themselves out of the water, their bodies numb and shaking, Ron looked around and frowned. "Why are there so many girls watching us?" he asked, eyeing the crowd that had gathered along the shore.

Harry shrugged. "Just ignore them."

They sat down on the rock Harry usually meditated on, their bodies still tingling from the cold. "Focus on your magic," Harry said, crossing his legs and motioning for Ron to do the same. "The cold'll help. Makes it easier to feel."

Ron groaned, closing his eyes. "This better not be some dumb trick," he muttered, but he followed along anyway.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, the world around them fading away. Then, all of a sudden, Ron's eyes flew open, a grin spreading across his face. "I felt it! Harry, I fucking felt it!"

Harry clapped Ron on the back, grinning. "Told you."

They were so caught up in their little victory that they didn't even notice Millicent Bulstrode until she was standing beside them, draping towels over their shoulders. Ron eyed her warily, his brows furrowed in suspicion.

Millicent, as usual, said nothing for a moment, her face calm and unreadable. "You should be careful, Harry," she said quietly, before turning and walking away.

Harry watched her go, a little confused but too tired to care. He stood up, dragging Ron with him as they made their way back to the castle. They were barely inside when Harry shoved Ron into the bath, planning on getting his friend warmed up.

But when he turned around, he saw Lavender standing there, arms crossed, her eyes narrowed, and her lips twisted in a fuming scowl.


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