I was about to leave for the office when I noticed Lorenzo standing by the door, his eyes fixed on me.

"What?" I was already getting curious about his problem this time.

"Mia, you are coming with me," he said, his voice commanding authority. 

"You have no say in this. You will do what I want," he added before I could even give a response to his word

I raised an eyebrow, curious at his sudden issues now, ever since he apologized to Marcello and left I didn't see him again. I was getting used to not seeing him much at home already anyway.

"Why would I want to come with you when I can drive myself?" I asked, trying to control myself from my sudden anger.

Lorenzo's smile was cold and calculating. "Mia, don't test my patience on what I want, and allow me to take you to the office."

My eyes locked on him, as I stood on my ground. "I won't leave with you,"