I trembled with fear as Domenico's men withdrew their pistols, the cold metal no longer pressed against my skin. But my relief was short-lived, as Domenico himself moved towards me, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light.
My hands shook uncontrollably as he reached out and grasped my neck, his fingers closing around my throat like a vice. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong, his grip unyielding.
He leaned in close, his breath washing over me like a wave of foul air. I scrunch up my face in distaste, trying to turn my head away from the stench.
"You little sly bitch looks interesting," Domenico muttered, having a trace of irritation in his voice as I shifted my nose away from his stinking breath.
"Even though I can tell he is playing with you. I love the fact that with you I could still get the whole Lorenzo to do shit."