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Two Hours Ago.
"Daily Bugle" Headquarters.
Editor-in-Chief J. Jonah Jameson puffed on his cigar and slammed his hands on the table, his voice cutting through the room like a whip.
"Superpowers? Lies? Who cares? You haven't investigated squat! You don't even know Spider-Man or Spider-Woman's zodiac signs!"
His machine-gun tirade continued, targeting his reporters. "The Brooklyn Bridge incident is all anyone talks about, and you clowns can't even dig up a decent angle on those two spandex-wearing Boy Scouts!"
A junior reporter mustered the courage to speak. "Sir, everyone's been chasing leads on Spider-Man for ages. No one's succeeded, not even us."
Jameson shot him a death glare. "That's no excuse for incompetence! Think like a reader! If you buy a paper with your hard-earned money, sit down with your coffee, what grabs your attention? Spider-Man sells papers, damn it!"
Ben Urich, the Bugle's seasoned editor, raised a hand to interject. "Jonah, my beat isn't Spider-Man. I'm working the Kingpin angle."
"Kingpin can wait!" Jameson barked, taking another puff. "We've got a new headline-stealer: the Vampire Queen. And guess what? You're on it! We've lined up an exclusive interview, and you're taking the lead."
Ben stared, dumbfounded. "You're kidding, right?"
Jameson's eyebrows shot up. "Do I look like I'm joking? What, you don't want to meet a scantily clad Vampire Queen? Not your type?"
"It's not that," Ben stammered. "I just… how'd you even arrange this?"
Jameson smirked smugly. "I have my ways."
Before he could elaborate, the meeting was interrupted by his assistant, Antonia Aguilar, bursting into the room.
Jameson turned his ire on her. "Antonia! How many times have I said no interruptions during meetings? If you don't have a damn good reason, kiss your bonus goodbye!"
Antonia sighed, unfazed by his bluster. "Sir, the website's down again."
"Then fix it!" Jameson snapped.
"I'm not an IT specialist," she retorted. "I'm your assistant editor."
"I paid for your classes!"
"One day of training doesn't make me a web designer, Jonah. I mean, if I took a Mandarin class, would you expect me to translate for you tomorrow?"
"Just fix it!"
"Nope. I'm done." With a loud bang, she slammed the door behind her, leaving the room in stunned silence.
The new hires exchanged nervous glances, but the seasoned staff shrugged it off and went back to work.
Half an Hour Later.
Parking Garage.
Ben Urich headed to his car, his footsteps echoing in the dimly lit lot. Several lights were out, casting long shadows.
As he reached for his car door, a gust of wind swept past him. Before he could react, everything went black.
Peter Parker, his exoskeleton mask fading from view, stepped out of the shadows. He stripped Urich of his gear, muttering to himself, "Consider this payback for all the smear campaigns."
Present Day.
The Vampire Queen's Manor.
Peter, disguised as Ben Urich, adjusted his thick, black-rimmed glasses. His bangs obscured much of his face as he introduced himself. "Ben Urich, Daily Bugle. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Miss Vampire Queen."
The Vampire Queen, dressed in a casual black outfit, regarded him with curiosity. "You're much younger than I expected, Mr. Urich."
Peter chuckled nervously. "I'm fresh out of probation. Just made staff this year."
Her butler, Collins, arrived with refreshments. "Sir, an almond milk latte for you. Miss, your protein drink."
Peter eyed the crimson liquid in her glass. "Is that… real blood?"
She sipped casually. "It is."
"Readers will find that fascinating," Peter said, pushing his glasses up. "Shall we start the interview?"
"Of course."
"First question: Have you ever considered filming your exploits? Like Kraven the Hunter?"
The Vampire Queen frowned. "My actions aren't staged. I fight for survival, not entertainment."
Peter nodded. "Understood. Next question: Can you describe what happened on the spaceship that brought you here?"
She hesitated. "It's… not a pleasant story. Too bloody."
"I can decide later whether to publish it. Don't worry about the details."
After a moment's pause, she relented. "Very well. Those creatures—hunters of the dark—were seven feet tall, weighing 140 to 180 kilograms. They had sharp teeth and an inner jaw that could pierce a human skull. Nightmarish."
Her words confirmed Peter's suspicions: aliens.
Could one of them have escaped to Earth? Was it possible that Peter's soul hadn't merged with Peter Parker but with an alien host?
The realization hit him like a freight train.
"Mr. Urich," the Vampire Queen interrupted his spiraling thoughts. "May I ask you a question?"
"Of course," Peter replied, masking his unease.
Her eyes turned a hypnotic white, and Peter felt his body grow heavy. His vision blurred as he realized, too late, that she had cast a spell on him
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