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After eliminating the goblins, Kenji shook his head, still grappling with the strange turn of events. The voice chimed again, calm and methodical.


["You have acquired a low-tair crossbow. Would you like to add it to your inventory?"]

"Yeah, sure," he replied, his curiosity piqued.

He focused on the crossbow, a swirl of blue energy materialising around it. The crossbow vanished from sight.

The crossbow instantly dissolved into shimmering particles, leaving no trace behind.

Suddenly, a translucent screen appeared before Kenji, prominently displaying the low-air crossbow at the top. Below it, several empty boxes waited to be filled, each labelled with different categories: Weapons, personal description, missions, Armor, Items, and Abilities.

"Inventory interface activated," the voice chimed. "You can manage your items here. Each box represents a potential addition to your arsenal."

Kenji stared at the screen. He tapped on the crossbow's image, and a description appeared:

Low-Tair Crossbow

Type: Weapon

Damage: Moderate

Special Ability: None

Kenji felt surprised, a tingle in his mind, a confirmation of his inventory.

"Congratulations on acquiring your first stored item," the voice noted, and another screen image popped out.

"It's like a game," Kenji thought, a mix of disbelief in his voice. "Don't get killed; kill monsters, get rewards."

It seemed the world operated like a game, and Kenji couldn't help but feel excitement and trepidation. As he gazed at the screen, something caught his eye: a button labelled Instructions. He clicked it, and a series of concise, clear steps unfolded before him.

"Okay, this is straightforward," he muttered, absorbing the information quickly. The instructions detailed how to equip items and manage inventory effectively.

Kenji moved close to the dead archer quiver. He approached and carefully grabbed the quiver.

The screen flickered again, showing:

Dead Archer's Quiver

Type: Item 

Capacity: 17 bolts 

Special Ability: None

"This could be useful," he said.

"Store", Kenji said; immediately, the item vanished like the first one, appearing in his inventory.

Kenji grabbed the other quiver, its leather worn but sturdy. He slipped it around his waist, feeling a rush of readiness as it rested comfortably against his hip. The weight of the quiver sparked a thrill within him, igniting a sense of purpose. He didn't feel like a rabbit running away from the pack of wolves. The crossbow was a fang for Kenji to bite back, increasing his survival odds.

No goblins were around, but chaos erupted from downstairs—the screams of students echoed from the first floor. Kenji took a deep breath, his expression calm and plain, long hair falling over his left eye. He looked at his last companion, who seemed frightened, and took several steps back.

The last step he took made him step on a pool of blood, looking back and seeing the blood of the student Kenji killed.

Looking back at Kenji, his companion felt a wave of fear, thinking he might be next.

"that might have been you," Kenji said, moving quickly to the stairway just around the corner.

His companion was no fool; he knew the truth. He vividly remembered ill student hands were reaching for him just as the archer goblins prepared to shoot.

He thought deeply, hesitating momentarily, but with a deep breath, he decided to follow Kenji, wondering how the event turned drastically. Kenji was like his one wey ticket to surviving this hell hole.

As they descended the stairs, they spotted two goblins on the ground floor: an archer goblin and a close-combat goblin wielding a short, jagged blade. The goblins seemed intent on moving down further.

Kenji took advantage of their distraction and moved in closer while his companion watched at the door they had used to enter. Immediately, Kenji fired an arrow from the crossbow, striking the archer goblin on his back. He moved closer, ready to engage the second goblin.

"Congratulations, you have killed the archer goblin and earned mana stone," the system said again.

The second goblin was startled and utterly unprepared for an attack. It had no time to react before Kenji struck him with the crossbow on his head.

He fell to the ground, knocked out. The crossbow broke from that attack, so Kenji immediately replaced his weapon with the unconscious goblin.

Grabbing the archer bow as his following tool, he looted off everything he could find.

As Kenji moved away from the stairway, chaos erupted around him. Students were fleeing from goblins, gasping for survival. He pressed on, striking down goblins chasing students or preparing to attack. Each swift movement helped clear a path through the turmoil.

A female student fell to the ground while fleeing from a goblin. Turning back, she saw the creature eyeing her with a twisted excitement, its jagged teeth bared in a sinister grin. Fear gripped her.

"Save me!" she cried, but no one seemed to hear or pay attention.

As the goblin drew closer, its foul, rotten odour filled the air, a disgusting mix of decay and sweat that made her stomach churn. Its mottled, slimy skin and bloodthirsty, beady eyes sent a shiver down her spine. Noticing that no one was coming to help, she began to cry, closing her eyes tightly as the goblin approached, ready to strike.

She felt utterly alone and terrified at that moment, bracing herself for the worst.

Just as the goblin was about to strike, an arrow shot through the air, hitting the goblin in the back. It fell to the ground with a thud. The female student, still trembling, didn't notice at first. When she finally opened her eyes, she was surprised to see the goblin's lifeless body beside her instead of her own.

Looking up, she spotted a young man dashing forward with a crossbow, ready for the next threat. Relief flooded through her as she recognised he was there to help.

She smiled as he approached her, stretching her hand for him to assist her in getting up. Kenji didn't even notice; he was too focused on looting the goblin's corpse, hastily pocketing its meagre treasures. With adrenaline pumping, he dashed forward, intent on reaching safety, oblivious to the chaos still swirling around them.

"Hey! Wait!" she called after him, frustration mingling with concern. But Kenji was already sprinting ahead, his mind racing with thoughts of surviving,

"I need to reach the sanctum," Kenji thought.

As he dashed through the chaotic hallways, he knew he had to level up. Gathering resources from the goblins would be crucial, and he realised he needed more critical information. Getting to the sanctum was essential—he needed a moment to regroup his thoughts. Every step mattered on his journey.

Kenji used his crossbow to strike down goblins blocking his way, switching to a melee weapon when in close combat, Defend and Counter. He used less energy, and his attack was based on targeting the most vital point he could think of.

"The goblins seemed weak, physically inferior to an average human, yet they still possessed surprising agility and resourcefulness. They relied on their numbers, executing sneak attacks and using the environment to overcome stronger opponents. Despite their low strength, their cunning tactics made them formidable."

Kenji analysed the goblins' moves as he pushed forward. He didn't even realise that a group of people had gathered around him as he kept striking down goblins who were either ready to attack a student or distracted. Kenji was seen as a hero by his new companions, who gathered around him.

"It's his to kill the goblins since they are distracted," Kenji thought as he moved. It was like a hunter setting live sheep as bait to hunt a wolf.

"the sanctum is just ahead." Kenji thought.

The sanctum loomed before him, its façade a masterwork of iron and shadow. The first door, a grand slab of polished iron, was adorned with intricate scrollwork that spoke of wealth and power.

Two goblins were blocking the Kenji part to safety, an archer goblin and a "shield-bearer,"

As Kenji advanced, he quickly assessed his surroundings, noting the goblin shield bearer's stance and the archer's position. The shield bearer focused on blocking incoming projectiles while the archer prepared to unleash a bolt his way.

As Kenji advanced, he rifled through his inventory in his mind, recalling the items he had looted. One item caught his attention: a half-broken wooden shield he had picked up earlier.

**"This could offer some protection against the archer's arrows,"** he thought, but he decided not to equip it just yet. The goblins had the upper hand, knowing he only had a crossbow and the distance.

"They would let their guide down," he thought. He looked vulnerable and was an easy target.

Kenji quickly stowed his loaded crossbow and pulled out another, loading it with an arrow. He repeated the process with five crossbows in total.

Once ready, he picked up his pace, running faster toward the goblins. The shield bearer noticed the sudden movement, and Kenji aimed to use the element of surprise to his advantage, ready to unleash a flurry of arrows.

Kenji immediately shot the shield-bearer. The shield-bearer had a confident smile, and Kenji's attack seemed futile to him.

The shield bearer raised his shield, successfully blocking Kenji's attack. The archer Took advantage of the moment and steadied himself on the shield bearer's right shoulder, aiming directly at Kenji.

"I need to act fast," Kenji thought, realising he had to disrupt their coordination. he equipped two crossbows and quickly aimed at the shield bearer's leg and the archer goblin.

Kenji and the archers fired at the same time. The shield bearer faced a tough choice: protect himself or his companion. He chose to shield the archer, taking the arrow to the leg.

In anticipating the shot, Kenji had equipped a shield just in time, blocking the arrow that would have struck him. He now had an opening, seeing the shield bearer stagger, ready to press the attack and capitalise on their moment of vulnerability.

Kenji dashed like a crazy man equipping two short rusty swords on his two harms, just like a capitalist who just spotted a gold mine; his intent was clear, the shield bearer was in pain, his movement restricted, and the archer was on the floor as he had to be pushed away by the shield-bearer to block Kenji's attack, the archer immediately started reloading his bow, Kenji was already close ot the shield bearer ready to strike.

The shield bearer wasn't ready to go down.

Kenji came to him with a single horizon slash with the proper sword. The shield bearer blocked his view. All he was expecting at that moment was Kenji's sword clashing with his shield. With that, he could counter, but he never got the sword clash he wanted; instead, he got a kick to the arrow wound inflicted on him by Kenji.

The shield bearer groaned in pain from Kenji's attack, his guard dropping as he stumbled. Kenji's attack exposed him further, leaving him vulnerable and unable to defend himself effectively against Kenji's next move.

Seeing the opening, Kenji pressed his advantage, ready to strike again before the archer could fully reload and join the fight. The tide was turning in his favour, and he was determined to finish it.

With a swift strike to the throat, Black blood poured out the shield goblin's throat, his blood lying cold on the floor. The archer was very angry, his expression carrying murderous intent toward Kenji. He was about to fire when Kenji returned the shield to block the archer's arrow attack.

The archer shot he blocked, changing his shield back to a bow, and he hit the goblin in his head.

The sanctum door swung open with a heavy thud, revealing a narrow passage spiralling downward into darkness.

As Kenji dashed forward, other students followed close behind. However, not everyone was as fortunate; some were quickly picked off by the goblins, falling victim to their swift attacks.

Immediately, the last student locked the door from inside, not letting any other student in. The screams of the other students knocking and banging, blade swings and the sound of bodies dropping made him cry, but he couldn't risk it; he barely managed to get in alive.

As Kenji moved deeper into the darkness, visibility dropped, and he barely registered the danger. Suddenly, an arrow whizzed past his face, leaving a small cut as it grazed him.

His female companion beside him wasn't that lucky. The arrow went straight to her stomach. Kenji immediately equipped his last loaded arrow and shot in the direction the arrow came from; he didn't see but only heard the sound of a body dropping.

Immediately, the sanctum hallway light brightened up, and Kenji could see the archer's body, which he had just shot.

Kenji Looked back at the female student who got shot. She didn't die right away but was fatally wounded; another female student ran to her aid,

"What on your face?" a male student asked, looking at Kanji's face. The small cut was green.

Kenji touched his chick, confused.

"It was just a small cut." he thought.

["The arrow has poisoned you."]

Hearing the system alert, Kenji fell to the ground, his senses struggling to normalise. His vision was blurry; all he could hear was the system alert till he lost consciousness.

["The arrow has poisoned you."]

["adapt skill activated."]

["the been poison as been reduced."]

["You have adapted. "]