Reputation is a currency

Ten boys lounged on their beds in a dimly lit room, the air thick with camaraderie and the hum of chatter. Kenji and Kaga lay side by side, feeling the weight of exclusion. Around them, the others animatedly discussed their theories about recent events and praised Akio for his leadership in keeping things stable, as if the world outside hadn't shifted beneath them.

"Did you see how Akio handled that situation?" one boy exclaimed. "He's like the glue holding us all together!"

Kenji, staring at the ceiling, felt the familiar pang of insignificance. The discussions swirled around him, but it was clear that he and Kaga were on the outside looking in. The boys didn't notice their silence, leaving them to drift in their thoughts.

"Even if the world became a mess, humans still view reputation as currency," Kenji mused. He couldn't help but think of how effortlessly Akio commanded respect and influence. It was unsettling to realize how quickly social status could dictate one's place in the group.

Kaga, on the other hand, appeared unfazed by their exclusion. He had grown accustomed to being overlooked, resigned to the fact that no one seemed to care about his presence. He turned to Kenji, hoping to spark a conversation, but found his friend fast asleep. With a sigh, Kaga followed suit, surrendering to the silence that enveloped the room.

Kenji stirred awake as the chatter faded, and the boys drifted off individually. A sense of purpose ignited within him, pulling him from the warmth of his bed. He slipped quietly out of the room, the dim hallway illuminated by small, flickering white lights that cast eerie shadows on the walls.

Eventually, he found an empty room, away from the judgmental gaze of his peers. There, he began to train, recalling the skills he had learned from his grandfather—skills he never thought would be helpful in a world so focused on social standing and wealth.

With every movement, he felt a growing determination. It was his chance to break free from the confines of reputation, to carve out a path where his true abilities mattered more than the opinions of others. Kenji honed his strength and resilience in that quiet space, preparing for whatever challenges lay ahead.

The sanctum wrapped its students in a cocoon of safety, an environment almost unattainable elsewhere. The tension that had once gripped the students slowly dissipated, replaced by a sense of community and ease. Brightly lit areas provided activities that engaged their minds and bodies, from games to creative workshops, and laughter echoed through the halls.

Just two days ago, fear had cast a long shadow over everyone. Now, the atmosphere has transformed. Students smiled as they discovered new hobbies and formed friendships, their worries about the outside world fading into the background. Most seemed oblivious to the system that had brought them here, focusing instead on the fleeting joys of their new lives. Only the unsettling quality of the small food portions served remained a nagging thought, but that was quickly forgotten in the face of newfound camaraderie.

"Akio's in command; he will set things straight," whispered a confident voice. Others nodded in agreement, finding solace in their leader's presence.

For Kenji, the past few days, Kenji had been a cycle of eating, observing, meditation, and training under cover of the night. He moved through the sanctum with quiet purpose, absorbing the vibrant energy around him while staying grounded in his routine. As others laughed and played, he found solace in the solitude of his training, honing his skills and preparing himself for whatever lay ahead.

1# Survive

main scenario: survive for five days.

difficulty level: F

reward: 100 mana stone

upon failing: death.

Mari trudged through the dimly lit hallway, her exhaustion weighing heavily on her shoulders.

"I need to tell Kato I need assistance in the kitchen; it's so exhausting," she thought, each step feeling like a small victory. The silence around her was palpable, the stillness only interrupted by her soft footsteps.

"It's very late; I think I should go to bed," she muttered to herself, wishing for the comfort of her warm bed.

As she continued her solitary journey, the emptiness of the hallway deepened her sense of isolation. Just as she was about to reach her room, something caught her eye on the floor.

Her heart raced as she rushed toward the figure sprawled on the ground. "My God!" she exclaimed, kneeling beside him to help. In her urgency, she turned to call for help, but her gaze fell on her arm—there was a slight cut, red and angry against her skin.

The sight of the arrow embedded in the boy's arm sent a jolt of confusion through her.

"Why would he have done that?" The thought barely registered before a chilling notification interrupted her frantic thoughts.

**["You have been poisoned."]**

Mari's heart sank as another alert flashed before her eyes.

**["You are losing consciousness."]**

"What…?" she gasped, panic rising within her. The world began to blur around her, colours melting into one another. As she fell to the ground, her vision dimmed; the last thing she could see was the boy's face twisted into an uncontrollable, lustful smile—a haunting image that would linger long after darkness enveloped her.

"hehe, I can finally have her," Nabi said with a lustful smile, looking at Mari, both hands tired against something to prevent her from struggling.

They were in a dark room, far away from other students.

"This is so useful," he said, glancing down at the arrow in his hand. The arrowhead sparkled menacingly, its potential resonating with the dark thoughts swirling in his mind. He could feel the weight of its power, a tangible tool that could bend situations to his will.

Nabi recalled encountering the arrow during the chaos that erupted just days ago. Amid the panic, a student had shoved him, sending him sprawling to the ground. He spotted the bow lying ahead, resting beside a lifeless goblin.

The scene had been chaotic—shouts and the sounds of struggle echoed all around him—but time seemed to slow in that moment. Driven by instinct, he grabbed the bow and nocked an arrow, feeling a surge of adrenaline as he prepared to defend himself against the goblins lurking in the shadows. The arrow had found its mark, and in that frantic moment, he had secured not just a weapon but a key to something much darker.

As he examined the arrowheads back in the sanctum, he couldn't help but think about the power he had seized that day and what it could mean for him.

He picked it up to defend himself by shooting a goblin who wanted to strike him.

From then on, he picked up the arrows and ran to safety. Nabi didn't tell anyone he had also killed a goblin; no one would have believed him even if he had.

In the past few days, Nabi had carefully observed the arrows he'd collected. Upon arriving at the sanctum, he noticed some arrowheads coated with a mysterious green substance while others gleamed bright yellow. The system, however, provided little information about these peculiar materials, leaving him frustrated.

"I need to check this out," Nabi thought, determination igniting within him.

He began to brainstorm various ways to investigate the substances further. For a moment, he entertained the idea of using a student as a test subject but quickly dismissed it; he had no intention of taking such a significant risk.

Instead, he resolved to find alternative methods, knowing that he could not rely on anyone else. The thrill of experimentation danced in his mind, urging him to uncover the secrets hidden within those arrowheads. Whatever the outcome, he was ready to dive deeper into this mystery.

Luckily for him, pests always found their way in, no matter how luxurious the sanctum was designed.

Nabi stumbled upon two rats scurrying in a shadowy corner. Seizing the opportunity, he struck one with the green arrow and the other with the yellow. Both inflicted non-fatal wounds, but that was what Nabi wanted. He settled in to observe, his excitement building as he watched them.

Hours passed as he kept a close eye on the injured rats. Consumed by curiosity, he jotted down notes about their reactions to the substances on the arrows. Just when he thought he had seen everything, he noticed one of the rats stirring, its tiny body beginning to move as it regained strength.

A thrill shot through Nabi as he leaned closer, intrigued by the implications of what he had just witnessed. The rat's movement felt like a revelation, igniting darker thoughts about the potential of the yellow arrowhead. He smiled, a mix of satisfaction and anticipation brewing within him.

With a lustful smile, he looked at the yellow arrowhead, its sheen catching the dim light. The ill intentions behind his gaze were unmistakable, igniting a spark of excitement in his chest. He envisioned the chaos it could unleash, a tool to manipulate and get what he desired.

His mind raced with possibilities as he turned the arrow in his fingers. It wasn't just an arrow but a means to exert his power and twist situations to his advantage. The thrill of potential darkened his thoughts, and he savoured the idea of what he could achieve. At that moment, he felt unstoppable.

1# Survive

main scenario: survive for five days.

difficulty level: F

reward: 100 mana stone

upon failing: death.