
Kenji glanced at the lifeless goblin bodies scattered across the floor, their green skin pale and still. He felt a surge of resolve as he quickly accepted the request.

["Congratulations! You have unlocked Monster Level Dictation."]

The words flashed before him, a reminder of the strange powers that came with this new world. The scent of damp earth and iron filled the air, mingling with the faint echo of his heartbeat. Kenji took a deep breath, ready to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead.

He glanced at the goblin bodies scattered on the floor, considering how to test his new system update. Most goblins were below level three, and their defeated forms testified to their weakness.

"I see why I didn't level up," he thought, realization dawning on him. "Seems I have to kill something stronger."

Determined, Kenji weighed his options. If he wanted to increase his strength and unlock his potential, he would need to seek out more formidable foes. 

After the long battle, Kenji felt exhausted, his muscles heavy and weary. A grumble echoed from his stomach, reminding him how hungry he was.

"I need supplies," he thought. He rubbed his belly and decided to check the student store. It was next to the large cafeteria, where students chatted and ate.

Kenji began to head toward the store, keeping his senses sharp. As he moved, he remained vigilant, scanning his surroundings for any trace of goblins lurking nearby. 

The hallway was dimly lit, shadows flickering as the overhead lights buzzed softly. Kenji could feel the tension in the air, a reminder of the battle he had just fought. Every creak of the floorboards and distant murmur from the cafeteria heightened his awareness. Kenji knew he couldn't let his guard down, not even for a moment.

Kenji arrived at the store, and to his surprise, it had already been looted. As he stepped inside, he noticed traces of snacks scattered on the floor, a telltale sign of hasty hands.

"It seems he wasn't aware of the system inventory yet," Kenji thought, glancing at the remnants of the snack bar littering the ground. 

The current surviving student above had picked the shelves clean, and barely anything was left worth eating. Only a few candy bars remained, their wrappers crumpled and unappealing. Kenji sighed, knowing that these wouldn't provide the sustenance he needed. Frustration bubbled beneath his fatigue as he scanned the empty shelves, searching for anything that might help him regain his strength.

Before entering the store, Kenji had checked his surroundings, relying on his heightened senses. But now, as he picked up a candy bar, a chill ran down his spine. He could sense a few presences nearby, lurking just out of sight.

The realization struck him like a lightning bolt: the store might be a trap. The thought raced through his mind, adrenaline flooding his veins. He quickly scanned the area, alert for any signs of movement. He had to stay sharp—whatever was watching him could strike any moment. Kenji's instincts kicked in, and he was ready to react.

The goblins started approaching one by one, their eyes glinting with malice. Four were in total, each looking more formidable than the last.

The first goblin brandished a sickle-like blade. Though the weapon appeared low-tier, its durability far exceeded the makeshift weapons Kenji had picked up from their fallen comrades. 

Next came the second goblin, clutching a wooden shield. A patch of iron reinforced the centre, giving it an unexpected strength that made Kenji wary.

The third goblin wore a brown hat that pointed upward, partially obscuring his eyes. He had short blades strapped around his body, ready for action. He stood confidently in the middle, flanked by the shield-bearer and the sickle-wielder.

The last goblin stood slightly apart, exuding an eerie presence. Dressed in tattered robes like a shaman, it held a gnarled wooden staff that seemed to pulse with energy.

Kenji's heart raced as he assessed the situation. These were no ordinary goblins; they were a coordinated threat. He needed to think fast if he was going to survive this encounter.

You got it! Let's adjust Kenji's demeanour to reflect his cold character. Here's a revised version:

"They are all level four," Kenji assessed calmly as he stepped out of the store, his blade steady in his grip. The new system feature had revealed the goblins' levels and the quality of their weapons, but he felt no fear.

"This will be difficult to handle," he thought, a cool calculation settling over him. 

The sickle-wielder's weapon glinted dangerously, the shield-bearer stood firm, and the shaman's staff pulsed with ominous energy. Kenji's expression remained unreadable, his mind already strategizing how to turn their strengths into weaknesses.

With a steady breath, he prepared himself for the confrontation. He would not falter. He would assess, adapt, and strike with precision. This battle was just another challenge to overcome, and he was ready.

Fighting seemed suicidal to Kenji; his primary goal was to escape. He dashed to the left, trying to escape the advancing goblins. But the sickle-wielding goblin was quick, darting in to cut off his path.

With a mighty swing, the sickle goblin struck upward from below. Kenji barely had time to react as his short sword met the sickle. The impact was brutal, shattering his blade into pieces.

Kenji stepped back, narrowly avoiding the sickle's deadly arc. But before he could formulate a new plan, the shield-bearing goblin struck at his leg from the side. He shifted just enough to minimize the damage, but the blow still left a sharp sting.

Suddenly, a system alert pierced through his focus: 

['poisoned detected."]

He felt the cold grip of the poison starting to seep in, but instead of panic, a calculating calm settled over him. This was a setback, nothing more. He would adapt.

["Adapt skill has activated."]

["You have adapted to the poison."]

A wave of clarity washed over Kenji as the system's messages resonated in his mind. The dull ache from the poison began to fade, replaced by a newfound resilience.

Kenji had no moment to breathe. The goblin with the dagger launched a flurry of attacks, hurling several blades quickly. 

With swift precision, Kenji activated his shield in his inventory, raising it just in time to deflect the projectiles. Each dagger clattered against the shield, sending a jarring vibration through his arm. 

He focused, his mind sharp despite the poison creeping in. The goblins were relentless, but he wouldn't let them dictate the pace of the battle. As the last dagger bounced off the shield, he prepared to counterattack, scanning for an opening amidst the chaos. He would find a way to escape this ambush.

"The goblins seem stronger than the ones I usually face," Kenji thought, recognizing the intensity of each clash. Every strike felt more powerful, and he needed to rethink his strategy.

He noticed a yellow, mana-like substance swirling around the goblins as he assessed the situation. A closer inspection revealed that it emanated from the shaman goblin, who stood slightly apart, chanting softly.

"He's giving them a boost," Kenji realized, his focus sharpening. 

With his mindset, he locked onto his new target: the shaman. If he could disrupt the source of their enhanced strength, he might turn the tide in his favour. Calculating his next move, he prepared to strike and exploit any opening that would allow him to reach the shaman and end the threat.

Kenji's mind raced as he sought to escape the triangular trap the goblins had formed around him. His primary target was the shaman, but as he manoeuvred, the goblins swiftly blocked his path, their movements fluid and strategic. The air was tense, and he could sense their determination to keep him contained.

He lunged at the dagger-wielder, but the shield-bearing goblin quickly intercepted, his shield crashing against Kenji's blade. The dagger goblin seized the opportunity, creating distance and launching a series of projectiles with relentless precision. Kenji sidestepped, only to feel the sickle-wielder's presence loom behind him, forcing him to pivot away from the shaman.

Their tactics were unexpectedly sharp, each goblin playing their part with an intuitive understanding of teamwork. Kenji felt the sharp sting of minor injuries accumulating, each blow a reminder of his vulnerability. A dagger grazed his arm, and he cursed under his breath, the frustration bubbling beneath his cold exterior.

['poisoned detected."]

['poisoned detected."]

["You have adapted, plus 2 points have been allocated to your stamina ."]

['poisoned detected."]

[apadt skill his helping you resist the poison]

The system's alerts echoed in his mind like a relentless drumbeat, each notification deepening the weight of the situation. He could feel the poison creeping in him.

Kenji had only managed to resist the poison due to the brutal experiments he had conducted on himself. After completing his initial training on the first night in the sanctum, he discovered a brown bag filled with antidotes. However, his curiosity about the adaptation skill genuinely drove him.

He had taken an arrowhead, its sharp tip glistening ominously, and pressed it into his skin. The pain was immediate and overwhelming—like fire igniting beneath his flesh. He winced, gritting his teeth as he forced himself to push deeper, feeling the metal slice through. Each cut brought a surge of agony that reverberated through his body, a stark reminder of his recklessness.

He collapsed onto the cold stone floor, sweat beading on his forehead. The pain was relentless, crashing over him like a storm. Every breath felt laborious as if the air itself was heavy with the weight of his suffering. Yet, amid the chaos, he found a flicker of focus. This pain was not just torment but a test, a trial by fire that would forge his resilience.

Kenji lay there, heart pounding, muscles taut with tension, reminding himself of his goal. He had to adapt to understand. Hours passed as he endured the searing sensations coursing through him, each wave of discomfort bringing him closer to the immunity he sought.

As the days wore on, Kenji felt the adaptation skill begin to take hold. The pain that once overwhelmed him became more bearable; each cut a step toward his goal. He learned to breathe through the discomfort, transforming agony into resolve.

Finally, after relentless days of experimentation, the system chimed in his mind.

["Congratulations on gaining a large amount of immunity from the goblin poison."]

A surge of satisfaction washed over him. He had persevered through the torment, and now it had yielded results. Rising to his feet, Kenji felt the weight of his journey transform into strength. Armed with newfound resilience, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.