Whispers of the Sanctum

After observing the goblin camp, Kenji turned his attention to the rooftop, searching for dry twigs and branches. He carefully gathered a handful, knowing they would make excellent kindling for a small fire. Once he had enough, he arranged the twigs and branches in a neat pile and struck a spark to ignite them.

As the flames flickered to life, he retrieved a piece of frozen meat in his inventory. It took a long time to cook, but it was finally ready after an hour. The rich aroma filled the air, and Kenji savoured every bite, eating to his heart's content. He felt at ease, having thoroughly surveyed his surroundings for potential threats, confident that he was safe.

Yet, he reminded himself that one could never be too sure of the dangers lurking around. Keeping a blade close by, he stayed alert; his senses heightened as he enjoyed his meal, ever watchful for any potential threats.

After enjoying his meal, Kenji reached for the water bottle he had discovered while exploring the hallway. With relief, he took a long drink, quenching his thirst. The cool water refreshed him, washing away the fatigue from the day's events.

Feeling revitalized, he glanced around, ensuring everything remained quiet in the dim light. With his blade at his side and the warmth of the crackling fire, Kenji settled in, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He knew that in this unpredictable world, vigilance was vital.

Kenji's mind raced as the memory of the towering monster surged back, its massive form looming over him. He shuddered at the thought. If a low-rank monster could instil such fear, what horrors lay in wait among the C, B, or even A ranks? The E tier flashed vividly in his mind, a stark reminder of his vulnerability. 

 "I have to be prepared," he murmured, determination replacing fear. He couldn't let his anxiety control him. Instead, he needed to train, learn, and find better equipment.

Kenji looked at his inventory of goblin blades, realizing they wouldn't help against such powerful monsters. He remembered the sickle-wielding goblin he had fought previously, how his blade had shattered on impact. 

He knew he needed better weapons. "I have to find something stronger," he thought as he opened the system to find better equipment.

At level five, Kenji accessed the system to browse an impressive array of weapons—swords, axes, and more. The beautiful designs were enticing, but he focused on the detailed stats. 

He scanned each weapon's attributes: attack power, durability, and special effects. This time, he knew he needed a weapon to handle stronger monsters. After comparing a few options, he zeroed in on a sturdy sword with high durability and a solid attack rating. 

Sword Name: "Longreach Blade"

Sword Attributes (E Rank)

Attack Power: 15

Durability: 39

Range: Long (ideal for keeping enemies at bay)

Weight: Moderate (balanced for swift strikes)

Special Effect: Reach Enhancement: continuous successful attack increases attacks by 5 points.

Skill Requirement: novice (level 1)

This sword is designed for durability and effective reach, making it a reliable choice for early adventurers like Kenji.

The Longreach Blade is worth 500 mana stones, a far cry from Kenji's current 180 mana stones. After completing the first scenario and tallying up the goblins he had defeated, he realized he needed a new plan.

He noted a frustrating trend as he thought about gathering more mana stones: it now took two goblins to earn just one mana stone instead of the previous one-to-one ratio. This change made hunting feel less rewarding.

Kenji also recalled that he could get better distribution by taking on stronger foes, like the four goblins he had faced earlier, or maybe just hunting a lot. He needed to strategize.

Feeling stuck, Kenji decided to pause his thoughts. He took a deep breath and leaned against a wall, letting the moment calm him. Sometimes, stepping back helped clear his mind. With his thoughts at ease, he hoped for a fresh perspective on gathering more mana stones. For now, he would regroup and prepare for the challenges ahead.

 Kenji opened the system interface once more, eager to check his status. To his satisfaction, everything seemed to be in good condition. He noticed his Adapt skill had evolved, now featuring a sub-skill: Poison Resistance.

Curious about his newfound ability, Kenji retrieved a poisoned arrow from his inventory and carefully tested the tip against his skin. As the toxin made contact, he focused intently, but to his surprise, he felt nothing—no tingling, no warmth, just an unsettling emptiness. 

He furrowed his brow, puzzled by the lack of reaction. Had the poison lost its potency, or was his resistance stronger than he realized? This was more than just an experiment; it was a crucial step in understanding his limits and enhancing his survival skills in this dangerous world. Kenji knew he would need to investigate further to comprehend the extent of his abilities fully.

Kenji let the puzzling thoughts about the poison fade as he glanced at his notifications. His eyes landed on a friend request from Kaga, one he hadn't answered. After a deep thought, he clicked the "Yes" button on the screen.

"Congratulations! You have one friend," the system chimed, confirming his decision.

As he accepted the request, Kenji looked at the darkened sky, where the stars twinkled like scattered diamonds against the velvet backdrop. It was a beautiful night, a moment of peace amid chaos. He felt a sense of calm wash over him as he took in the serene beauty of his surroundings.

Lost in his thoughts, Kenji suddenly received an alert from Kaga. Despite his cold demeanour, curiosity sparked as he prepared to read the message. He couldn't let emotions dictate his actions, but the prospect of a new connection intrigued him, even if he'd never admit it.

He opened the message, his expression remaining impassive. As he scanned the text, he steeled himself against any warmth threatening to seep through his defences.

"I knew you were alive!" Kaga exclaimed, visibly happy to see Kenji alert. Kenji focused on the system's communication interface, which allowed him to send messages directly. He thought about what he wanted to say, and the system instantly translated his thoughts into text.

As Kenji prepared to send his message, another one from Kaga praised his fearless attitude. Kenji read the compliments, but his expression remained calm and cold, unaffected by the praise. 

He appreciated Kaga's sentiment, but that wasn't why he had accepted the request. Kenji needed information to know what was happening in the sanctum. With that goal in mind, he focused on crafting a response to steer the conversation toward the details he sought.

"What's going on in the sanctum?" Kenji typed.

Kaga took a moment to respond. "Ever seen that incident? Everyone's been a mess," he wrote.

"Someone tried to steal food supplies, and he was caught. But we found out the supplies aren't even there," Kaga continued. "Kato cleared the air, saying he kept the food safe. Most people trust him, but not everyone agrees. He also mentioned that the supplies are running low."

"Kato and his crew are planning to venture outside the sanctum in search of food," Kaga explained.

"Kato demanded we all contribute about 20 mana stones for equipment," Kaga continued. 

"Not everyone is willing to part with their mana stones, but the thought of going out there alone pushed many to agree," he added.

"We're about 186 students here apart from Kato and his crew need, which comes to an estimated total of 3,720 mana stones." 

Kenji absorbed the information, and a sense of urgency swelled within him. He realized he held valuable insights, and his calm demeanour resembled that of a shrewd businessman, always looking for an advantage.

He reached for a piece of cold meat, feeling its icy surface. It was as if he had just pulled it from storage.

"It's as if time stands still in the inventory," Kenji mused, marvelling at the potential it offered.

After carefully placing the meat back into his inventory, he stood up and went downstairs, determined to head to the school's male bathroom. Once inside, he took a shower, a razor in his right hand. 

Afterwards, he found some clothes—a fitted sports uniform consisting of a sleek T-shirt and long, soft trousers that allowed him to move freely.

With deep thought, Kenji began to form a plan.

Kenji went to the storage rooms and looted all he found. He killed a few goblins lurking for humans. He grabbed their bodies and then went upstairs. A rope was around his neck.

As Kenji dragged the goblin's body, black blood traced where he had been. He did the same for several, dragging the bodies upstairs. For the last one, Kenji took some goblin corpses from his inventory. Then, he started tying their bodies together. He did so with a goal in mind.