Chapter 4: Sleeps are Worst with Snakes 

The ground beneath me was stone rough, it felt more like a torture mechanism. But my fatigue was enough for me to slumber away.

As I drifted into a restless slumber, I felt something cold and slithering, crept over my body.


"Stay still,your highness " one of the warriors warned, his voice calm but firm.

Despite the command, I couldn't help my curiosity. I jerked up, my heart was racing.

As I woke up, my eyes spread in shock – A snake, thick and coiled, slithered across my chest. I jumped up in pure panic.

The warriors burst into laughter, immediately springing to action as the snake reared up, ready to strike.

"I'm killing it," one said, drawing his blade.

"No, it's mine," another argued.


Are they insane? I thought, as I leaped behind them for cover. Snakes were never human friends, incredibly dangerous. In every story book, snakes were always portrayed as the devil or evil.

As all the warriors stood in their stance debating on who would get the kill of the snake, Zander casually stepped forward, his sword flashing as he sliced the snake's head clean off in one swift motion. The snake's body wriggled in its final death throes.

"Strike when your enemy is confused!" Zander boasted, holding up the severed head like a trophy. "Hey, Ginger Maps, how about you cook this for breakfast?"

Aiden ignored him, getting used to Zander's antics by now. He was shamelessly obsessed with himself.

"I'll cook the snake for breakfast"

Murdock, eager for a hearty meal, offered to roast the snake. He got to work immediately, ripping out the skin off the snake.

"His highness must have never seen a snake in his life?" Bade teased.

"I've seen plenty of snakes" I snapped, still shaken. "I'm just not used to waking up with one on me!" 

Actually, I had never seen a snake physically before, I had only seen a snake in my story book. My mother Susanna was very wary of snakes, saying they were messengers of evil and had used spells to seal off snakes from the palace.

"Yeah yeah…probably in his fancy books" Zander said. The rest laughed

The fact that they were right offended me a lot. Anger surged through me. 

"Uhn.. No..I am just not used to waking up to a snake on my body!" I said anger surging in me. "I can't help it, I am a prince and not a lowlife like some people that dabble in dirt!" i spat out

 "Oooh take it easy young highness" Barrett said. 

"That snake could have hurt me!" I continued, "If I die and you survive, do you really think my father would let any of you see daylight again?' 

I just realized that I was not just pissed because of the snake incident but I was tired of the jesting, mockery and stupid tricks they had been playing since the beginning of the journey. Even though I wasn't as charismatic and strong as one of my older brothers, that does not mean they ridicule me like some pig arse.

They all stared at me in silence at my sudden reaction. They also knew the weight of my words. King Gario, my father, was not such a benevolent King. They were very much aware that their mission was not just to capture the sorceress; it was also to protect me. 

If they failed to return with me alive, their fates were sealed—execution or a lifetime in the dungeons. But if they succeeded, they would be celebrated as heroes, perhaps even elevated to positions of power.

I was their key to either glory or ruin.

After my outburst, the teasing ceased. Murdock finished roasting the snake, and I ate in silence, perched on my rock while the others sat on the ground. 

The snake tasted surprisingly good, like fish but only more rubbery. Maybe it was because it was a bit undercooked. I'm sure the palace cooks could have done a better job.

We had to eat quickly—the sun was rising, signaling it was time to continue our journey.

Our horses became fatigued, so in order not to further strained them, we had to come down from thier backs. Leaving us with only one means of transportation – our foot. 

At first, I was determined to keep pace, but as the hours wore on, my legs began to betray me. Every step felt heavier than the last, and soon, I lagged far behind the others.

"Aaaaah!" I wasn't paying attention when I stumbled over a rock, sending me crashing to the ground.

"Having trouble, Your Highness?" Murdock asked, visibly concerned.

"I'm fine," I grumbled, pushing myself up, still feeling a bit guilty about my earlier tirade. After everything I said, I cannot bare to ask them for help.

"Here, let me help," Aiden offered, extending his hand.

"No, no, I've got it," I insisted, trying to stand. But the moment I put weight on my ankle, a sharp pain shot up my leg.

"Argh!" I cried out, collapsing back to the ground.

The warriors rushed over, concern on their faces.

"It looks like you've sprained your ankle," Aiden diagnosed, inspecting the injury. He quickly pulled out a leather flask and poured water over my foot to clean the dirt away, then applied an ointment that smelled strongly of mint. It reminded me of my father... and of home. I missed my younger siblings, Eden and Jasmine. I missed Lady Eleanor.

"Arrrgh!" I yelped again as Aiden massaged the ointment into my ankle. The pain brought tears to my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

Once he finished, he tightly wrapped my ankle with a clean cloth. 

"Thank you," I muttered, swallowing my pride.

"My pleasure, Your Highness," Aiden replied, a small smile on his lips.

"Your highness permit me to carry you on my back. There is no way you can possibly walk with your feet for now" Barrett offered.


He bent down, with surprising ease, he lifted me onto his large back like I was no more than a sack of grain.

We trudged on until we reached a vast land with huge-huge trees and dense in vegetation. The clouds right above it just grey like it was from a horror story. 

"I guess this is it— the gate of the Northern Forest," said Aiden, holding up a tattered map.

The other warriors cheered, and though I was exhausted, I joined in, pretending to share their enthusiasm. 

"So we can rest now, right?" I asked hopefully, feeling my body scream for relief. Barrette had dropped me once my feet felt a bit better, but I was still exhausted.

The warriors laughed, their faces amused at my obvious exhaustion.

 "Not yet, your highness"

I groaned loudly, dragging myself and my horse forward. 





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