Chapter 9: Caving Cave

The deeper I went into the cave, the more the air felt thick.

My every step echoed in the huge passages. 

On and on, I went through the passage. It almost felt like I was going through a maze.

Luckily, I saw a glimpse of some gold dust. It looked like smoke but golden.

"This must be the fountain!" I muttered, 

Sprinting towards the towering plume of golden dust that erupted from the cavern's depths like a geyser. 

As I burst into the chamber, and for a moment, all I could do was stare in stunned silence. Before me stood the fabled Golden Fountain. It looked like it was from another world.

Golden dust swirled up from the ground, cascading in hypnotic patterns, filling the entire space. The particles shimmered like liquid sunlight, lighting the dark cave.

But there was no time for admiration. I needed to seal it. 

Without hesitation, I sprinted toward the fountain's base, my hands reaching for the source of the fountain. The golden dust burned against my skin, it was hot.

"Ah" I found the source. There was a stone by it side 

 My fingers traced the large stone that was partially concealed beneath the swirling gold.

I tried lifting the stone up but it was too heavy to lift.

"Arrgghh" how was I going to cover the cave.

I touched the stone again…suddenly, I felt a surge of power run through my body, my eyes glowed red again. 

The stone shocking weighed not more than a stone. I picked up the stone and placed it over the fountain source.

Instantly, the cave began to tremble violently, the ground shaking beneath my feet. The golden dust dissipated as the chamber filled with the sound of cracking stone.

The cave was shutting down!.

 I gasped, barely able to stand as the earth quaked beneath me.

I bolted towards the exit, sprinting over jagged rocks and crumbling debris as the walls groaned and split around us. 

But Grimtooth was waiting for me.

"Ahhh. You scared me!" I gasped at the sight of him.

He blocked my path, his twisted face contorted with fury, his eyes glowing with a terrifying blend of fear and rage. His voice was a shrill scream that echoed off the cave walls.

"What have you done?!" he shrieked, his body trembling as the cavern crumbled around him. 

I unsheathed his sword, ready to strike, but before I could land a blow, Grimtooth's body began to twist and contort. His skin shriveled, his form shrinking. With a final, hideous scream, his body collapsed into nothingness, a puff of dust where he had once stood.

Did he just die?

However, the rock kept falling, there was no time to mourn the dwarf.

I had to keep running, the ground kept crumbling beneath my feet as rocks fell from the ceiling, each step more precarious than the last. 

Suddenly, I stumbled. My foot caught on a loose stone, and I tumbled toward a gaping chasm that had opened in the floor. 

"Damian" the icy cold lady screamed from the entrance, diving forward just in time to grab my wrist. My legs dangled over the edge of the abyss.I became pale with terror.


"Hold on, I've got you!" her soft voice reassured me.

Her eyes glowed brightly, with a scream, she pulled me up

It was a close call, as I clambered to safety, the ceiling behind us collapsed, sending rocks crashing into the chasm where I had just been.

We stumbled out into the open air, gasping for breath.

Immediately we rolled out, the cave roared and closed shut.

I laid on the ground outside the cave for a moment from shock.

Before I could sense what had just happened the icy cold lady rushed towards me slamming her cold body onto mine. She hugged me

"You made it!" she said. 

I stiffened at the unexpected contact, unsure how to respond. 

"Umm…thank you" 

she must have really been panicking about me being trapped in the cave. But isn't this over reaction?

The sorceress noticed the awkwardness and pushed her body from mine.

"I'm sorry" she muttered awkwardly.

" is okay" I said trying not to dismiss her.

There was nothing such a pretty lady like her to be sorry for. In fact I should be the one to tell her sorry for not returning her hugs.


The icy lady screamed. She clutched her neck, collapsing to the ground, her body writhing in agony.

I rushed to her side,

"What's happening?!"

A strange glowing mark appeared on her neck, pulsing with a malevolent energy. She gasped for air, her eyes wide with terror, her snowy hair darkening as if life itself was being drained from her.

"It's my bond" she struggled to say amidst her groaning.


"How do I stop it?" I demanded, panic rising as the light in her eyes began to fade.

" have to…to… become my master," She told me, every word she made looked painful. But still she was not making any sense.

"You need to place a drop of your blood on the glowing sign and announce yourself as my master!" She said fainting off.

Without hesitating, I pulled out my knife and sliced my palm, blood dripping from the wound. I pressed my hand to the burning sign on her neck, my heart racing.

"I - I Damian, the Son of Gario, King of Akrifous announce myself as your master!" I yelled aloud.

For a moment, she went completely still—cold, like death itself had claimed her. My breath caught in my throat, terrified that I was too late.

I'm too young to see a dead body!

Then, suddenly, she gasped, her body convulsing as she drew in a sharp breath. Her eyes flew open, life returning to her as the dark tendrils of the bond receded.

I stared at her, my chest heavy with relief. 

"Are you alright?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

She nodded. Trying to sit up.

Looking at her, I couldn't help but feel a wave of pity.