Her voice calls to me once Again

Speaking with a soft but kind voice for once, Haru responds back to Mai. "You've been helpful. Just I'm not use to having people by my side for so long." Haru explains.

Her face began to turn red after he spoke the way he did, she wasn't used to Haru talking with such a kindness in his voice. He wasn't rude but he never usually spoke like that to her.

"O-okay." Mai says while turning over.

Hiding her face? Ah I must've done something to make her react that way but it's okay. I should be like this towards her a little more often, she's been working hard since she joined me.

"Goodnight Mai." Haru says as he pats her head.

They both were asleep within a few moments of him saying goodnight, the night went by without anything really happening. The festival went on for a good chunk of the night as the two slept but it ended by the morning.