The Gate to the Underworld Awaits

Continuing to make their way for the gate, it was kind of peaceful again. Traveling through a nice field of all different flowers, bringing color back into the picture.

"Is the gate really this way?" Haru questions in disbelief.

I feel like this crazy gate wouldn't be all the way out here since it's definitely not an area demons would be in. It's too nice for them to make a gate at, or maybe that was the whole purpose of it.

"Yes. Just another day and we should arrive at the gate." Shuji answers with confidence in his voice.

I've got no idea what awaits for us in the underworld but I do know that my goal is there. Ending the war with the demons once and for all, this will be the last time we do this.

I won't be forgotten any longer, this will all be over.

Haru, Mai, and Shuji continued towards the gate as Nightfall arrives. They made a camp for the night with a small fire going to keep warm.