A Rough Past.

Haru was focused on what the best approach was to handle this since he didn't want kill anyone. Everyone in the kingdom was just following the king because they believe he knows what's best.

I know that it won't be the easiest thing to deal with but I believe that we can do this without crazy amounts of bloodshed.

Conversation began as they all started to discuss what the plan was for the kingdom of Shadow Moore. Trying to avoid killing innocent people while still accomplishing the goal at hand.

One person wasn't participating much in the conversation as she was distracted by something during the conversation. The room began to disappear as a younger Mai could be seen sitting inside of a room.

It appears to be a bedroom of sorts with her bed, some bags, and a few books on a shelf.

(Mai's View. Two Years before she left the Underworld, before she's saved by Haru.)