What Awaits me on the Other Side

Haru made his way up the stairs and onto the platform with no issues. The opening where he could place the artifact was before him with a strange white glow to it.

A journey to another world much different than my own, how interesting that will be for someone like me to go through. I'm going to be all alone like always so I don't know what to expect this time.

Usually I'd be okay with it since I have always been by myself until recently, but it's a whole different world.

"You won't be by yourself. I'll still be with you." Amaterasu chimes in while appearing next to him.

"That makes me feel a bit better about it. I guess it's time to go then." Haru says while watching the monolith activate.

Every symbol began to light up as Haru stood back and watched. It only took a matter of moments before he could see the hole in the center start showing a reflection of something.