I am Empty

Lorelai set her quill aside and let out a long sigh. At last, she was done with today's work and could get some much-needed rest. 

The work she had to deal with as a royal princess was always exhausting. 

Queen Althea had been ordering the House of Noble around ever since she arrived at the royal palace and had barely done any work herself over the years of her regency. She took it truly easy. 

Right away, her strategy was simple––she wanted as many supporters as she could find and in order to do that, she threatened them with their own wrongdoings along with bribing them with a lot of money. 

It was an unbreakable scheme. 

While she had indeed succeeded in manipulating many nobles to do her work for her, there was still a large part of the crown's responsibilities which could only be overseen by the members of the royal family. 

And Althea, strangely enough, did not care for that. And neither did her son, the Crown Prince.