New Erelith

Rhaegar smiled faintly and pressed a soft kiss to Lorelai's forehead as her eyes fluttered closed.

"I didn't know you'd already been thinking about that."

Of course, she had. Whenever she found herself alone, her thoughts always wandered to their baby's name. But she'd chosen to keep the question to herself. She knew Rhaegar would have answered if she'd asked, yet she had waited. The reason was simple: she hadn't wanted to ask until after everything was settled.

She wasn't particularly superstitious, but with everything they had endured––everything she had endured––she hadn't felt ready to embrace this new reality.

Today, though, felt like the right time to finally say it out loud. As she lay cradled in her husband's arms, lulled by the steady rhythm of his breathing and the comforting woodsy scent of him, Lorelai decided it was time to move forward.