Volarisa III

It's been over five years since my System, the Super Cheat System, was activated. After that, it went silent. I named my System Sol—not the most creative name, but it works. According to Sol, my next cheat will only become available when I achieve something significant, though it hasn't mentioned what exactly that would be.

Anyway, I'm six years old now, and my routine has become pretty simple: wake up, get dressed by the maids, eat breakfast, train, take a bath, eat lunch, train again, bathe, have dinner, train once more, and sleep. This has been my daily cycle for the past year. I also have three classes: Knowledge, Noble Etiquette, and Weapon Arts.

But today is going to be different.

Third-Person POV

Asher looked at himself in the mirror, seeing the reflection of a cute young boy with bright ruby-red eyes and silver, shimmering hair—just like his mother. Dressed like a little nobleman, the maids had made sure that every part of his outfit was flawless.

"Young master, you should be able to recall all your noble etiquette today. It's a special occasion," Emily, one of his maids, reminded him. She was a petite girl with blonde hair cut in a short, boyish style. One could easily mistake her for a bubbly child, but her status screen told a very different story.

[ Name: Emily Rose ]

[ Race: Golden Foxman ]

[ Class: Shadow Saint (S-Class Assassin) ]

[ Rank: Legendary ]

[ Ability: Phantom Veil (Unique, High Order) ]

[ Skills: ]

Eclipse Step: Move unseen through shadows, even across great distances.

Soul Reaver's Kiss: A deadly, silent strike that severs the target's life force directly.

Illusionary Blades: Summon spectral daggers that can attack both physically and mentally, confusing the target's senses.

Saint's Cloak: A divine-level invisibility skill that not only hides her presence but also erases her existence from perception temporarily.

Vow of Silence: Nullifies sound within a certain radius, creating an absolute zone of silence perfect for assassinations.

[ Description: As a Shadow Saint, Emily stands at the peak of assassination arts. Her abilities transcend those of ordinary assassins, making her a near-unstoppable force in covert operations. She is the devoted protector of the Crimson Terror's son and a hidden threat to anyone who dares approach her young master with ill intent. ]

Emily wasn't just any maid. She was a Shadow Saint, an assassin of the highest order, with abilities that could wipe out armies without anyone ever noticing her presence. Hidden behind her charming appearance was someone powerful enough to face the worst threats in the world. 

But to Asher, Emily was more than just a maid. She had been by his side since he was a baby, taking care of him in every way he needed. She had always been there, looking after him and even teaching him in weapon arts.

"Emily, will Mother be there too?" Asher asked quietly, his ruby-red eyes looking up at her.

"Yes, of course, young master. Why wouldn't she be there for her beautiful and obedient son on such a special day? If not, we'll go find her, alright?" Emily said, but Asher could see the faint pain in her eyes.

He knew. After all, his mother was one of the powerhouses of this world, tasked with protecting it from unseen dangers. He didn't mind—his mother had given him plenty of time when she could. Yet, deep down, there was a longing. In his previous life, he had been an orphan, but in this one, he had a mother, and he cherished that. He just wished he could spend more time with her.

He didn't know much about his father, though. Every time he asked Emily about him, she would dodge the question, her eyes distant. It was as if that was one secret she wasn't allowed to share.

"Anyway, young master, let's go and get your first Awakening," Emily said as she gently took Asher's hand and began to lead him.

Asher nodded, following her without hesitation.

In this world, an Awakening was divided into two major stages: the First Awakening and the Second Awakening. Since humans in this world aren't born with magic veins, they must first develop them through cultivation—an art tailored to their affinity. For example, someone with a Light Affinity would cultivate an art specific to light magic.

Today, Asher was going to undergo his First Awakening. He would drink a special solution that would create a Foundation Core within his body. This core would serve as the basis for all his future cultivation. Once the core was formed, his affinity would be tested, and from then on, he would need to cultivate an art suited to his affinity for the next twelve years. The faster he cultivated, the stronger his magic veins would become, allowing him to create a more robust magic system within his body. A well-developed set of magic veins would make him more talented in the long run, ensuring a powerful Awakening.

Then came the Second Awakening, which took place at the age of eighteen. By then, a person's magic veins would be fully developed. At that time, they would drink another solution to connect the core to their veins and activate the magic channels within their body. Once the core began to revolve, it would fully awaken their inherent ability—much like how Emily's Phantom Veil ability had awakened during her own Second Awakening.

And thus, with their First and Second Awakenings, they could finally embark on their magic journey.

As for where this method of Awakening came from, it originated from the refugees who arrived in this world after their own was destroyed. Humans granted them refuge in exchange for the knowledge of Awakening, which the refugees graciously shared. Although the Beastman method of Awakening wasn't compatible with human physiology, humans—being highly adaptable—deciphered the formula within a decade.

The first successful human Awakening came from Ray Cornelius, who spread his name far and wide as he fought alongside the Beastmen on the frontlines. Soon after, more and more humans began to awaken, harnessing magic within themselves. Despite this breakthrough, the war with the invaders has yet to end.

Now, after so many years, over 40% of the human world remains occupied by the invaders, while the native inhabitants hold the remaining 60%, clinging to what remains of their land.