First Awakening III

Asher blocked out the murmurs and judgments around him, focusing solely on what truly mattered—the core grades.

[Core Grades Explanation]:

Perfect Grade: The highest level of core, possessing the purest form of energy. It provides a 10% power boost compared to a High-grade core.

High Grade: Slightly less powerful than a Perfect core but still formidable. It is 10% stronger than a Middle-grade core.

Middle Grade: A standard core, decent in power but not exceptional. It is 10% stronger than a Low-grade core.

Low Grade: The weakest form of core, providing the only 70% of user full potential ]

Asher processed the information carefully. The difference between a Perfect core and a Low-grade core seemed vast, but even between the upper grades—Perfect and High—the gap could prove significant in the long run.

Asher listened intently as Sol relayed the next crucial piece of information, adding more depth to his understanding of the core system.

[Core Grades and Refinement Explanation]:

Core grades are not fixed; they can be improved as one refines their energy veins. However, the starting point influences the final potential one can reach. A Perfect Grade core allows an individual to refine their veins and core to the highest possible level—the Prismatic Magic Veins, a state of absolute mastery in the Formation Realm.

[Refined Vein Realms]:







Prismatic (The ultimate form, only attainable by those who started with a Perfect Grade core)

Sol emphasized that only those who began with a Perfect core could reach the Prismatic Magic Veins, the pinnacle of the Formation Realm. Other cores, though improvable, would never allow someone to reach this highest refinement stage.

Asher's mind reeled at the knowledge he had just uncovered. These refined realms were all part of the Formation Realm, the first major stage in the Realm of Practice, and yet the Prismatic Realm stood out as something unique—almost mythical. What truly astonished Asher was that even the Magnus family, one of the Supreme families of Volarisa, had no records of anyone reaching the Prismatic Realm or even anything about this realm. In the family archives, the Diamond Realm, also called the "Monster Rank," was considered the highest possible achievement.

In the world of Volarisa, the ranks were clear:

Silver was considered the average rank for most practitioners.

Gold was the mark of an elite.

Platinum represented a genius.

Diamond was reserved for those who were considered monsters—individuals whose talents surpassed even the greatest prodigies.

But there was no mention of the Prismatic Realm in any of these records. It was as though this stage of ultimate power existed beyond the scope of even the most exceptional individuals in history. Only monsters, not even geniuses, were said to reach the Diamond Realm, let alone Prismatic. The absence of information about the Prismatic Realm made Asher realize that it wasn't just the family who lacked knowledge—perhaps the entire world had yet to witness someone achieve such heights.

'It seems I made the right choice by appraising the materials first and not blindly believing in family information,' Asher thought, a quiet smile forming on his lips. The fact that the Prismatic Realm had no record meant that perhaps there was still more to learn, and more potential to unlock than anyone in his family realized.

As the allotted time passed, Asher remained the only one standing in the line for the mist. He glanced around, noticing the mocking gazes of those in the bead line, their eyes filled with disdain and pity for what they considered a foolish decision.

They didn't know what he knew. They didn't realize that there might be power beyond the family's understanding.

Standing firm, Asher allowed their sneers to roll off him. He had made his choice, and whether they mocked him or not, only time would reveal whether his path was the right one.

As the allotted time passed, the elder opened his eyes, his gaze lingering on Asher for a brief moment. The elder's expression was unreadable, but it was clear he had noticed Asher's unusual choice. He addressed the room, his voice stern.

"If you wish to change your decision, do it now. Once the ceremony begins, there is no backing down," the elder warned, though his eyes were fixed on Asher.

Even Emily, who had always been calm, now looked at Asher with worry. 'Asher, what are you doing?' she thought anxiously, unsure why he had chosen the mist when he had the opportunity to choose something stronger.

But Asher remained unshaken. He glanced up at the elder and, with calm confidence, spoke.

"I'm fine with my choice," he said before pausing. "But I want three vials."



A heavy silence fell over the grand hall.

For a moment, it was as if time itself had stopped. Everyone's gaze turned to Asher, wide-eyed in disbelief. The shock rippled through the crowd like a wave, leaving the entire hall in stunned silence. Some stared at Asher as if he had just declared himself insane.

It was common knowledge that forming a core involved intense, almost unbearable pain. However, most people endured it because it was a necessary step toward unlocking their potential. But three vials? That meant the pain would be not just three times greater but nine times more excruciating. No one had ever attempted such a thing, and most wouldn't dare. Even for those with a strong tolerance for pain, this was beyond extreme.

The air was thick with shock and disbelief as whispers began to spread throughout the room.

"Is he insane? Three vials? That's suicidal!"

"Why would he ask for so much? He'll be destroyed by the pain!"

"He must be a masochist. There's no other explanation."

Elder raised his hand, causing everyone to fall silent " You could die or go insane, Still you want to do it?"

"I must endure, if I want to reach the peak I must do it" Asher replied.

"...For reaching the peak, One must chose the bead not mist, choosing more pain is just insanity" Elder said.

Asher shook his head as he said " With my method there is 100% guarantee of reaching Diamonds rank" Asher said .

Once gain silence befall on the hall.