Perfect core

Asher's focus never wavered as the condensed bead of creation energy stabilized in the center of his body. The swirling vortex of energy slowed as it compressed further, solidifying into the foundation of his core. The pain was immense, but Asher maintained control, his breathing steady as he guided the final moments of the process.

Then, with a quiet yet profound surge of power, the formation process completed. The bead of energy pulsed with a perfect rhythm, and Asher knew—the core had formed.

The elder overseeing the ceremony, his curiosity piqued, floated down from his position. His eyes narrowed as he approached Asher, intrigued by the unusual calm in the formation process. He placed his hand gently over Asher's chest, sending a wave of energy to inspect the newly formed core.

The hall remained silent as the elder's probing energy flowed through Asher's body. A moment passed, then the elder's eyes widened in shock. He pulled back, his voice loud and clear as he announced to the gathered crowd, "A Perfect Core!"

Gasps echoed through the hall. The term Perfect Core carried immense weight, a pinnacle of core formation that very few ever reached. Murmurs spread quickly among the crowd, disbelief mixed with awe.

As the elder announced Asher's Perfect Core, the hall erupted into murmurs and whispered conversations. Elders and onlookers alike were stunned by the rare achievement.

"He formed a Perfect Core... that's with his unorthodox method!"

"Maybe it's true what they say about the Crimson Terror's bloodline," one elder said quietly to his neighbor.

Across the room, several young talents looked on with a mix of admiration and envy. But amidst the excitement, a voice rang out, cutting through the noise.

"He's the son of Selene Magnus, the Crimson Terror. Of course, he formed a Perfect Core," scoffed a young man standing among the other aspirants. His tone was dismissive, as though trying to diminish the achievement.

Several nodded, whispering in agreement. "With such powerful parents, it's not a surprise."

"Still... a Perfect Core?" an elder from the crowd muttered. "Even with a strong bloodline, that takes something special."

Though some nodded in agreement, the tension in the air did not lessen. A Perfect Core was no small achievement, even for someone of Asher's lineage.

The elders, hidden behind the curtain, exchanged glances. Ryder Magnus, ever pragmatic, leaned in and suggested, "Patriarch, perhaps we should see if his method works on someone less gifted."

Arnold Magnus, the patriarch, rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Indeed. If it works on Asher, it could be a stroke of rare talent. But if it works on someone weaker…"

He gestured to the weakest-looking candidate in the line, a young boy trembling at the prospect of his awakening. "Use him. Let him undergo the same method Asher just performed," Arnold ordered.

James, still overseeing the ceremony, nodded and summoned the boy forward. The tension in the hall shifted as everyone watched, wondering if Asher's bold claim of 100% success could truly hold up—even for someone with little natural talent.

Ryder Magnus, standing with the other high-ranking elders behind the curtain, leaned in. "Patriarch, it's clear that Asher is talented. But perhaps it's more than just his lineage. He mentioned a 'method,' didn't he?"

Arnold Magnus, Asher's grandfather, considered this, his sharp eyes watching his grandson calmly return to his place. "Yes," he said, his voice low but commanding. "He seemed confident in his approach. If it's not just talent, but a method that can be taught, it could change our approach to core formation."

Ryder nodded. "We should test it. See if it's truly a method, or just Asher's natural talent. If it works on someone less gifted..."

Arnold's gaze swept over the assembled candidates, landing on a scrawny boy standing at the back of the line. The boy was visibly trembling, his body weak compared to the other aspirants. "Use him," Arnold ordered. "If this method can elevate even the weakest, we'll know it holds value."

James, the elder on stage, nodded in agreement and gestured for the boy to step forward. The boy, wide-eyed and nervous, hesitated before approaching. The hall was silent again, waiting for the outcome.

As the boy reached the center, James spoke, "What Asher used was not a common method. He requested three vials, rather than one, to significantly amplify the energy he could absorb. It's highly dangerous and painful. Are you willing to try?"

The boy, pale and unsure, nodded slowly, clearly terrified but too afraid to refuse in front of the entire Magnus family.

Arnold's voice rang out, addressing the assembly, "Asher claimed that his method gives a 100% chance of forming a Diamond-ranked core. We will see if his claim holds true, even for someone of weaker talent."

Asher, watching from his position, remained silent but confident. He knew what was coming.

"Begin," James commanded, handing the three vials to the boy. The crowd watched intently, some in disbelief, others eager to see if Asher's method could truly work on such a weak candidate.

The boy hesitated, glancing nervously at Asher, then back at the vials. With trembling hands, he uncorked the first vial and drank it, his expression immediately contorting in pain. Whispers spread through the crowd, but the boy pushed forward, drinking the second and third vials in quick succession.

The formation activated, just as it had for Asher, and the boy screamed as the energy surged through his frail body. His limbs shook, and for a moment, it seemed as though he might collapse. But he stayed conscious, barely holding on as the energy began to swirl inside him.

The crowd watched, stunned. The boy's core began to form, but the strain was evident. His body, much weaker than Asher's, struggled to contain the power.

After several agonizing moments, the elder stepped forward to check on the boy, his expression serious. He placed his hand over the boy's chest, sensing the energy within.

"It's... a High grade Core," James announced, his voice cutting through the tension.

The crowd gasped, shocked that the boy, weak and untalented as he was, had managed to form a core at all under such extreme circumstances.

And he was one of the candidates who was deemed he couldn't form a core even.